"I can confidently say that code quality should be the least of your concerns when it comes to your FOSS project."

Modern day devs, ladies and gentlemen.

RT: https://social.treehouse.systems/users/TheEvilSkeleton/statuses/112241679352421223
@mint > The most important quality is who you are as a person, and how the project is presented.
@pwm @mint No wonder important open-source projects are destroying themself thanks to exactly this. Ehm. FreeDesktop.

> Getting rid of toxic users. Adding a code of conduct also drives away a lot of bigots, which is great for people who belong to marginalized groups.
This also has a nice side effect of driving away actually serious people who don't care about your own politics.

@PurpCat @pwm @phnt @mint
>GNOME's target audience is people with disabilities.

Yet, Linux still has shit colorblind support. At least according to @beardalaxy.

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@xianc78 @PurpCat @pwm @mint @beardalaxy I didn't even know it had one. Same for Windows if I ignore the high contrast theme.

@phnt @PurpCat @pwm @beardalaxy @mint IIRC GNOME had some colorblind utility that is severely outdated and only works with older versions of GNOME. Other than that, there is pretty much nothing outside of some magnifying tool (which I can't remember the name).

@xianc78 @phnt @PurpCat @pwm @beardalaxy You don't even need the magnifying tool with all those retardedly large bars and buttons in Adwaita.
@mint @PurpCat @pwm @phnt @beardalaxy @xianc78
Now you mention it gnome does kinda look like the 'large text phone UI for old people ' WM

@childrapist1488 @PurpCat @pwm @phnt @beardalaxy @xianc78 @mint "Now you mention it gnome does kinda look like the 'large text phone UI for old people ' WM"

Bingo! The one good use I found for post-v2 Gnome was my elderly early Silent Generation father who only needed a couple of applications, Firefox many years ago with its ability to increase the size of text, and Open/LibreWritter.

@xianc78 @phnt @PurpCat @pwm @beardalaxy @mint pretty sure the a11y focus is referring to stuff like orca, I don't think visual impairments really figure on the gnome devs radar much
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