Which is the most cancerous group in the gaming community/industry?

@xianc78 Trannies. They will take over any sort of group they're in by bitching about every perceived "microaggression" they encounter and blackmailing their way into its upper echelons to enforce "tolerance" and "acceptance" of their pedophilic filth. Otherwise you get labelled an eBiL nAhTsEe who needs to be cancelled and they'll slander your business on Twitter or DDoS you because they're infantile retards who will throw a hissy fit if they go more than 0.0000002 microseconds without whatever's on their screen at the moment "affirming" their insane delusions. They do this because they know they're so unbelievably evil that the only way to not get rightfully attacked on sight is to take whatever form of power they can and wield it to punish any sort of outrage against them before it starts, typically with inane appeals to common delusions such as "tolerance" and "diversity" so the best way to prevent this is to just make your game or whatever it is you're doing blatantly anti-globohomo from the start so they have no foothold to get in. This is a war, you can either have an audience of normal people or of pedo enablers, and if you're dumb enough to think the two can just "coexist" over entertainment then the trannies will see to it that you're forced to only accept the latter.

>so the best way to prevent this is to just make your game or whatever it is you're doing blatantly anti-globohomo from the start so they have no foothold to get in

Then they will use that as an excuse to get you cancelled.

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@xianc78 Yes, but hopefully if you hold your ground it might get some people who are tired of this bullshit to buy it in solidarity. Even if they ruin your business it's still better than becoming a willful participant in normalizing the fetishes of pedophiles. But then that's why the only real solution to the trans question is a final one, especially in the age of the internet they are a threat to children everywhere and they are a cancer on everything they touch. There can be no half-measures, only total annihilation, and may it be public and excruciating.
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