
Which is the most cancerous group in the gaming community/industry?

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@xianc78 Journalists, by far. Simply because as the Resetera/NeoGAF saga has shown, they have far too much clout and ability to influence gamedevs that none of the other groups do.

Speedrunners stick to their own games, that's why you see so many speedrunning shit like the Spongebob game. E-Sports athletes will only play games if they're "good enough", when the flood of shit esports titles happened many like Lawbreakers bombed (vid related), and CoD became very divisive. Halo even went down the toilet as a result of trying to pander to people without having them play the damn game. Streamer/eceleb cancer can also kill a game if people parrot their opinions, but they can't directly influence them to the same degree as "posting on a message board devs post on".

There was a theory that the whole Ion Fury drama was a false flag troll op, simply because the OP was found to have had an edgy internet past years ago.
@xianc78 Also; the problem with gamedevs making slop like Lawbreakers or Hyenas is they spend way too much money, only to never get a return on it.

@PurpCat @xianc78 It was a tie for Journalists and Scalpers for me, but ultimately they're both parasites

At least with journalists you have something to laugh at

@koimoa @xianc78 Oh on Discord and other gaming communities there's a lot of scalper hate/mockery too, along with hate for other pretentious douchebags depending on what part of the scene you're in.

The entire Limited Run Games brand is one such brand, it's been so heavily associated with games selling out and being bought by scalpers that it's tainted their brand.

There's also channels in Discord groups and users online mocking "bad eBay listings" all the damn time. There's a channel in the PC-98 Discord even for posting "the best of the worst" from listings.

This YAJ listing is a meme in that group for being up for years and looking piss yellow too:

@PurpCat @koimoa Lately, I've been having a gripe with game collecting in general (not just the scalpers) because they will literally buy everything in their favorite video game franchise, thus supporting all of the bad practices. They just have to buy every game in their favorite series even if they know it's shit.

Scalpers are just scum in general. They're a plague on literally every market they touch, no matter what it is. I wouldn't even consider them part of a problem with video games, specifically, so much as they are a prevalent bug in economic systems as a whole. There's no unique dynamic at play when it comes to video game scalpers vs any other kind of scalper imo. Prostitution may be the world's oldest profession, but I'd wager that for as long as barter and trade have existed, there have been scalpers trying to amass resources they had no part in creating to make an easy profit off of someone else's work.

@koimoa @xianc78 @PurpCat scalpers aren't usually an issue since we have emulation and for the most part consoles are always available. i think this latest generation was only as bad as it was because of the chip shortage.

@PurpCat @koimoa @beardalaxy @xianc78

Maybe twice I've thought "huh that game looks kinda cool". Judgement and that harry potter game the culture warrior people were all upset about an that one I just wanna watch my wife play while I pass out on the couch.

@beardalaxy @koimoa @PurpCat I think there is also another factor that is contributing to the failure of the ninth generation of consoles and developers still making PS4 ports: The Nintendo Switch is insanely popular with both gamers and third-party developers. Given that many games are being developed for it and it being weaker than the PS4, there are many devs who just go "fuck it, let's make a PS4 port" and given that the PS5 is backward-compatible with the PS4, it's also an excuse not to port to the PS5.

It's kind of like how the original Wii prompted third-party developers to also make PS2 ports.

@xianc78 @beardalaxy @koimoa I think it's more the fact the ps5 can play all ps4 games.

Why develop a ps5 game when the ps4 game runs on more consoles?

@PurpCat @koimoa @beardalaxy If that were the case then nobody would have developed games for the PS2 or PS3.

@xianc78 @koimoa @beardalaxy there were still ps1 games being made late into it's life for this reason though
Including stuff like SNES ports/remakes

@PurpCat I feel like the speedrunning community was the one that really brought transgenderism to the entire gaming community thus causing gamedevs to pander to them.

Literally, I learned most of the transgender terminology from GDQ.

@xianc78 IMO, GDQ was a reflection of the culture around it given what I've seen in similar "niche" circles like the TCRF posters.

A lot of people will argue the transgender boom came from two things circa 2015: the SCOUTS ruling on gay marriage causing lobbying in that realm to switch gears, and Bruce Jenner becoming Catilyn Jenner, leading to the infamous magazine cover. Given who Bruce had family ties to (the Jenner/Kardashian family, which was already a media circus), the tabloid media picking up hard on this.

The Vanity Fair cover was the point where it boiled over, but also it was several months in the making. While Jenner might not have had full on left wing/tankie views which hurt Jenner's reputation in that community (plus Jenner is AGP and was "tucking" even back in the day and telling spouses this), this was the first time many people learned about this.
@xianc78 On the other hand, GDQ was in a very good spot to push this stuff.

One of the big things with someone coming out as trans was simple. The individual would make it his/her entire new identity, and as a result gets heaps of attention for it. But this is not solely a trans community issue, but rather one with many niche communities. What do I mean by this? Look at Sonicfox.

Sonicfox was someone who did the same gimmick as trans people but as a furry. Eventually Sonicfox would come out as "non-binary" and would shill trans ideology (which also coincidentally became really popular in the furry sphere), but that's besides the point. The point is, Sonicfox made his entire brand and identity as being "furry esports star" to the point of publicity photos using art of his fursona or his costume.

It both gave him instant clout in the furry sphere, but it also came off as a WWE gimmick to those who weren't in the furry sphere. But during his height he was everywhere, I heard how at the furry con I was at he was wiping the floor with people in the game room on fighting games, and many people lined up because he was "/ourguy/".

To someone who is attention seeking, negative attention is also good attention, and given that SonicFox won tournaments for at least one game (even if more people are playing different games), it was good PR for him and the furry scene.

Admittedly, I don't pay attention to many of these niche communities so yeah the whole phenomenon is probably older than I thought. GDQ made it obvious because it seemed like every major speedrunner transitioned after Cosmo and the drama going on there was making it into drama channels and mainstream gaming press.

Though the final nail in the coffin wasn't GDQ, but that infamous hbomberguy stream because after Grant Kirkhope said "trans rights" in his DK voice, it inspired a bunch of other video game VAs to do the same as well as fan artists making "trans rights" art for every video game character in existence.

>To someone who is attention seeking, negative attention is also good attention

It's really no different than celebrities coming out as gay or bisexual when they were losing relevance years ago. Though, at least with that you can admit to it just being a phase and reverse, unlike transitioning where results can be permanent.

@PurpCat @xianc78 Something I've noticed is that in single-player esports like fighting and racing games, trannies are everywhere because it's easy for them to cloister up in their room and silently grind. In multiplayer esports they're almost nonexistent, I figure the reason is that getting good requires them to communicate, meaning they have to listen to their own voice over voicechat for hours every day
@PurpCat @xianc78 there was an attempt to infect the Tier 1 League of Legends scene with trannies via that Cloud9 AIDS demon, but it didn't make it far because NA is comically bad and the guy decided it would be more profitable to be a twitch streamer
@PurpCat @xianc78 The FGC I knew would have had Sonicfox riding away from the arcade in an ambulance if he pulled the shit he has

@xianc78 Everything stems from journalists. Everything else is a symptom of the disease.

@xianc78 I lean toward esports niggers for one particular reason:
Destiny 2 is not an esport, and it can never be one. Despite that, they rearranged the entirety of PvP to make room for a ranked competitive mode, despite the fact that a sweaty high-stakes mode specifically designed for D2 already existed in the game and fulfilled its niche. They also added the Airborne Effectiveness changes to "make it more competitive," which took a once-fast PvP experience and made it slow and boring, which thankfully they eventually walked back. All to appeal to esports niggers who barely even play the game because there cannot be an esports scene.
oh yeah and also the Saltagreppo incident where after he won his third Day 1 Raid Race, he decided to play backseat dev and call for a nerf of a strong (PvE) weapon and Bungie listened to him.

@Spingebill I never played Destiny, but after looking it up, yeah. I can't imagine a persistent world ever becoming an e-sport, even if there are PvP parts to the game. Those are the types of games that you immerse yourself, not to compete, especially on a professional level.

@xianc78 Trannies. They will take over any sort of group they're in by bitching about every perceived "microaggression" they encounter and blackmailing their way into its upper echelons to enforce "tolerance" and "acceptance" of their pedophilic filth. Otherwise you get labelled an eBiL nAhTsEe who needs to be cancelled and they'll slander your business on Twitter or DDoS you because they're infantile retards who will throw a hissy fit if they go more than 0.0000002 microseconds without whatever's on their screen at the moment "affirming" their insane delusions. They do this because they know they're so unbelievably evil that the only way to not get rightfully attacked on sight is to take whatever form of power they can and wield it to punish any sort of outrage against them before it starts, typically with inane appeals to common delusions such as "tolerance" and "diversity" so the best way to prevent this is to just make your game or whatever it is you're doing blatantly anti-globohomo from the start so they have no foothold to get in. This is a war, you can either have an audience of normal people or of pedo enablers, and if you're dumb enough to think the two can just "coexist" over entertainment then the trannies will see to it that you're forced to only accept the latter.

>so the best way to prevent this is to just make your game or whatever it is you're doing blatantly anti-globohomo from the start so they have no foothold to get in

Then they will use that as an excuse to get you cancelled.

@xianc78 Yes, but hopefully if you hold your ground it might get some people who are tired of this bullshit to buy it in solidarity. Even if they ruin your business it's still better than becoming a willful participant in normalizing the fetishes of pedophiles. But then that's why the only real solution to the trans question is a final one, especially in the age of the internet they are a threat to children everywhere and they are a cancer on everything they touch. There can be no half-measures, only total annihilation, and may it be public and excruciating.

@hachi @ArdainianRight There is nothing cute about this. It's really depressing that the author is only capable of making game revolving around her dead-end sexuality.

@Spingebill @ArdainianRight @hachi He didn't block you. Graf defederated him from Poast because apparently, he likes to spam negative reacts on posts he doesn't like.

@xianc78 journalists did not cause the prices of the best way to play the best games to move an entire decimal point (sometimes two entire decimal points) in the last 10 years.

scalpers should be winning just on the antics of WATA alone, who led the pack in making the retrogaming hobby completely unaffordable.

speedrunners not getting any votes is interesting, but ultimately proves how essential GDQ is as an institution, which is: not at all.

>scalpers should be winning just on the antics of WATA alone, who led the pack in making the retrogaming hobby completely unaffordable.

Emulators, flash carts, and repro carts exist which is probably why people don't see them much as a problem, despite all the legal issues. Video game collecting doesn't seem as popular anymore and people just want to play the games regardless of the means.

People have realized that downloading a ROM or buying a repro cart is morally no different than buying a used game as the original developer/publisher isn't making money off of it either way.

>speedrunners not getting any votes is interesting, but ultimately proves how essential GDQ is as an institution, which is: not at all.

In retrospect, I should've lumped speedrunners with esport athletes. They both turn the hobby into a competitive sport, but speedrunning generally relies on playing the game in a way the developers never intended (you can argue the same with esports, but I feel it is way more prevalent in speedrunning). Speedrunners tend to do their own thing and they don't affect other people's enjoyment of a game.

computer and arcade stuff is lol worldwide though
@WALFTEAM it really depends on the region

There's cheap beige Macs and pc98s in Japan still
@xianc78 All of these people are going on the chopping block

@BigDawg869789 I didn't include that because
1.) Without them there would be no industry/culture.
2.) There are people still making good games, you just need to know where to look.
3.) Even though they have the final say, it's usually the above choices that influence their decisions or defending those decisions. Without them, they probably wouldn't be making those decisions.

@xianc78 lp streamers etc like most people who host kid games are retarded or pedophiles
@xianc78 That being said, journalists are second most cancerous, while localizers and "professional gaijin" consultants are first. Anyone that attempts to gaslight the ignorant into their narrow worldview by presenting it as the consensus deserves to be bullied mercilessly. At least Pocketpair was based about it and explained their inclusion of Type 1 and 2 character creation as "Americans like ugly characters."
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