Which is the most cancerous group in the gaming community/industry?

@xianc78 Journalists, by far. Simply because as the Resetera/NeoGAF saga has shown, they have far too much clout and ability to influence gamedevs that none of the other groups do.

Speedrunners stick to their own games, that's why you see so many speedrunning shit like the Spongebob game. E-Sports athletes will only play games if they're "good enough", when the flood of shit esports titles happened many like Lawbreakers bombed (vid related), and CoD became very divisive. Halo even went down the toilet as a result of trying to pander to people without having them play the damn game. Streamer/eceleb cancer can also kill a game if people parrot their opinions, but they can't directly influence them to the same degree as "posting on a message board devs post on".

There was a theory that the whole Ion Fury drama was a false flag troll op, simply because the OP was found to have had an edgy internet past years ago.

@PurpCat @xianc78 It was a tie for Journalists and Scalpers for me, but ultimately they're both parasites

At least with journalists you have something to laugh at

@koimoa @xianc78 Oh on Discord and other gaming communities there's a lot of scalper hate/mockery too, along with hate for other pretentious douchebags depending on what part of the scene you're in.

The entire Limited Run Games brand is one such brand, it's been so heavily associated with games selling out and being bought by scalpers that it's tainted their brand.

There's also channels in Discord groups and users online mocking "bad eBay listings" all the damn time. There's a channel in the PC-98 Discord even for posting "the best of the worst" from listings.

This YAJ listing is a meme in that group for being up for years and looking piss yellow too:

@PurpCat @koimoa Lately, I've been having a gripe with game collecting in general (not just the scalpers) because they will literally buy everything in their favorite video game franchise, thus supporting all of the bad practices. They just have to buy every game in their favorite series even if they know it's shit.

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