@xianc78 sure right after he pardons assange and the people he told to protest that were rewarded with years of jail :ablobcateyeroll:

@icedquinn @xianc78 yeah, it's too good to be true. assange and snowden both.

@beardalaxy @icedquinn They are REALLY desperate to get people back into the two-party illusion. Not saying that the "Libertarian" Party is any better (it's clearly a CIA psyop to blackwash Libertarianism and to destroy any hope for a third-party or independent candidate), but seeing people lose faith is a sign of progress.

Though the good news is that most Libertarians and LP supporters don't seem to be buying it.


@xianc78 @icedquinn I don't actually see a world where Trump wins this election.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 he's an israel simp, if biden keeps weirdly refusing to give them bombs mossad will surely make it happen
@icedquinn @beardalaxy @xianc78 he's getting internal pressure from his own staff, unless he fires 50-60% of them right before he needs to run for president he's stuck scrambling desperately
He said all that too, btw. We all had "free ross" signs, so he hit that one extra hard.
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