Another topic worth considering...

Why is carbon capture and green energy always taken from a defeatist point of view? All poasters are either about distopean future, where you capture your own farts, or about the a little girl crying, while a planet is burning behind her.

But, there is no reason to not take it with fucking pride. Why don't we see them say: "God created paradise in 6 days, we can fix this planet too"? Geoengineering is a huge project. A HUMANITY SIZED project in fact.

Why do they bind it to the emotion, that resonates so little?


@LukeAlmighty Geoengineering can have disastrous effects, such as severe health effects from stratospheric aerosol injections, and last time I checked, some carbon capture plants were actually caught releasing more CO2 than they claim to capture.

From one side, it's taking a non-problem and actually making it a problem (probably even worse than what the alleged problem claims to be). From the other side, it's scene as a band-aid solution that only exists to either borrow time or justify the existence of both fossil-fuel usage and/or capitalism itself.

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Sure, I am not saying we are perfect at it. But shit happens, when trying to become the masters of our destiny.

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