There will always be things slightly off or wrong about AI, in my opinion. I don't think it'll ever be perfect. It could get to the point where it is good enough to trick people, we're kind of already there, but it will fall apart when examined more closely. The interesting thing about it too is that humans aren't perfect, so for an AI to be perfect it also has to have human-like imperfections, which are often unpredictable.

As always, I think it is a good tool to build off and help a person's workflow, but it can't get the job done by itself unless the job is to trick or humor people for a quick buck.


@beardalaxy Given how dreams often have distorted and inconsistent visuals. I think AI pictures and videos will always look dream-like at best.

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@xianc78 people get inspiration from dreams too. kinda funny haha.

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