Did we go to the moon? The more I look into the details, I feel like we had to have. There are too many weird little details for it to have been made up (videos showing the extreme difficulty of center of gravity changes for astronauts, the fine/dust particles that ripped into suits, etc.) Maybe the first Apollo was a lie but subsequent ones made it? Even James Van Allen said it was possible to make it through the radiation belt named after him before he died.

So why didn't moon expansionism continue? Having a permanent research station on the moon would have been insanely valuable for the past couple of decades; far more than the ISS. Back then it should have been much easier to convince law makers to spend an insane budget needed to fly supplies up there.

The Artemus project just seems doomed to failure. 11~15 fuel pods need to be in orbit first? and they haven't even tested in-space refueling? and they want to start in 2 years?!

@djsumdog @deprecated_ii Didn't Van Allen end up on NASA's payroll at some point? You could make the case that he was forced to say that the Van Allen belts were safe. Either way, the thing about the Van Allen belts are that they're just that: belts. You could have a ship do a polar orbit and fly over the belts, but I don't think any of the Apollo missions (allegedly) did that.

But even discounting that, you do have to deal with solar flares on the moon, which do happen frequently, and NOAA records showed that there were at least 1400 solar flares during the 9 moon flights. The only way I think anyone could've done a moon mission was if they immediately went into a closed vehicle only to get out when they are inside a lunar cave.


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