
Thanksgiving dinner is a fucking waste. Even an entire family is not going to eat it all in one sitting and I doubt that you are going to eat all the leftovers before they go bad. Reheated turkey tastes extremely dry anyway, and you might be cooking another Turkey in just a few weeks for Christmas.

I'm not one of those vegans who will tell you not to have Thanksgiving dinner or to eat Turkey on thanksgiving dinner, but maybe you could cut down on the sides. Turkey is like 3x bigger than chicken, which is why it's only eaten on special occasions outside of deli meat, so you really don't need that many sides.

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>Reheated turkey tastes extremely dry anyway
you're doing it wrong. dice it up, put it in gravy, and make open-faced sammiches with it

@wowaname Turkey and Ham are the weakest meats. Chicken and beef all the way.

@xianc78 fish>chicken and venison>beef im just sticking with the holiday meats here
@xianc78 Thanksgiving dinner is meant for large extended families. We only had my immediate family of four this year, so we only had a few sides. Still way too much turkey. We do a ham for Christmas dinner.

@xianc78 we have always eaten all of ours :peepoShrug: maybe a little tiny bit goes to waste but not often

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