Ragebait is trite and overdone. Maybe try posting about your hobbies? You didn't let the internet dopamine machine turn rageposting into your hobby, right anon?
You're going to let those retards ruin it for you?
No, why are you letting them affect your *personal* enjoyment of your games. Have they made it impure for you? Is your enjoyment of your hobbies not arising from the games and instead the community?
@rher @YTFoidLover1488 yes, they have made games worse by their presence. they're shitty and dysfunctional, and everything they touch is made worse by that. it's that simple, faggotido.
@SaltWraith @rher @YTFoidLover1488
It can sometimes be possible to enjoy older things by avoiding trannies, but trannies are still a plague that makes everything they touch worse.

@ArdainianRight @rher @SaltWraith @YTFoidLover1488 To show that they do try to destroy everything, but to be fair, you don't have to play it. As long as the original ROM is being distributed (which is forever), you can still play that.

The real problem is when you have new fan-translations of previously untranslated games and the Discord trannies decide to change some of the original text to fit their agenda.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @rher @SaltWraith @YTFoidLover1488 have a fun one too: translations that only work in emulators because the emulators are dogshit and nothing like the hardware

@PurpCat @ArdainianRight @rher @SaltWraith @YTFoidLover1488 Emulators don't need to take into account the limitations of the original hardware because what they are really doing is just interpreting bytecode.

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@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @rher @SaltWraith @YTFoidLover1488 it's a problem when you're using them to develop something and you find out that the video hardware isn't properly implemented (a very real issue in the pc98 circle)
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