It seems like the only hope for recent CS grads of ever getting a job is to start there own game companies.

@xianc78 Just like 2008-2010 all over again, when the first indie devs boom happened.

The good news is that nowadays you don't even need to make games proper, you can literally have a patron for game mods and total conversions.

It's difficult though to find a profitable niche.

>It's difficult though to find a profitable niche.

Just think of some obscure, dead franchise that still has a cult-following, but little to zero chance of a revival or a series that changed drastically that the newer games look nothing like the older ones (like Ys with the bump combat system).

Another thing you can do is to try to port your games to more obscure platforms like BSD, Plan9, or Haiku. There is probably an untapped market of users who want to play something on there other than TuxRacer. It just like when indies were porting their games to Linux back in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Sadly, this option is if you write your games "from scratch", but luckily SDL pretty much runs on everything so if you just use that than this should be no problem.

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@xianc78 I agree, but, by experience, there's not much money to be made on those. Lots of "thanks you", but not very much money inflowing as donations. A side gig at best
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