
Which activist group/movement is the most annoying?

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I'd say faggots like you that bitch about freedom enjoyers are almost as obnoxious as proprietary losers.

@sally Your leader couldn't respect IRL freedom during the COVID lockdowns.


I have no leaders, and you're wasting your time, I don't discuss with bitches.

You've been sperging about some guy having based takes the whole day, keep letting Sui live rent-free in your head, it's exactly what he wants.

@xianc78 the LGBT one, but also MAPs. I've never seen someone who uses that term to describe themselves that I like.

@xianc78 Pretty much any group that constantly Spergs out all the time. It tends to be the LGBT community/woke people but it can go to any group.

Like if I had to listen to devout atheists every day I would just kill myself.

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