There is absolutely ZERO reason to put something as simple as a >5 sec sound sample under the CC-BY-NC or any other non-commercial license. If you really hate the idea of someone profiting off of your precious audio clip, then maybe you shouldn't be releasing them in the first place.

>b-but just ask them they might negotiate a deal where they can get a cut

If they truly want that, then they should say so in the description, and give out contact information, but most of the time, they don't, and it's not worth paying just to be able to use a short audio clip for a commercial project. It took you five seconds to make those samples there wasn't that much effort put into them.

If you want to make money creating stock assets, start a Patreon or something like that. All non-commercial license do is limit potential users of your assets, especially if they are small.

@xianc78 for just a single sound, nah that's stupid. But if they are trying to sell a whole pack of them, that I can understand

@beardalaxy Even if it's a whole pack, each sound in said pack should be under a license that allows commercial use. You use to have entire CDs full of free to use audio clips. You were free to use any of the clips as long as you weren't redistributing the whole thing.


@icedquinn @beardalaxy Ocarina of Time used a lot of clips from this CD. This is where the original Fire Temple chant originated from.

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