
OK, I am this close to just picking up my shitty Lenovo Ideapad 520S and just throwing it from the balcony.

I need a new laptop, like, desperately now. This is just a pile of shit that's barely holding together. The WIFI keeps crashing and trying to reconnect, so much so that I had to disable the inbuilt WIFI adapter and use a store bought one (which still doesn't work as well as I'd like).

Are there any recommendations that anyone can give me? I'm not minted, but, like, I dunno...Anything is probably better than this, right?

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@Aldo2 if you're using windows on it, installing linux might help. i was having wifi problems with my relatively old laptop using windows 10 so i just installed linux mint and it's good as new now.

@beardalaxy yeah but my laptop is still being held together by electric tape :/

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