"300 En no Otsukiai" was the first loli hentai I ever saw, and it still puts me in a hot sweat watching it again, even after all this time.

@Aldo2 the first loli hentai i ever watched had this song in it called "present" and i have searched far and wide for it again but haven't been able to find it. it was a sweet little song, had it on my old mp3 player. trying to find a forgotten western song is hard enough, but then add japanese on top of that, and then hentai on top of that, and then loli hentai on top of that, and i don't think i'll ever hear it again.

i've even searched for it in japanese in several different ways, not just on youtube but also on niconico, no dice.

idgaf about the hentai itself but i just wanna hear that song.


I'm just watching the hentai for the "wholesome pedophile" plot haha

*Jking, I'm watching it for the chi....I mean, loli...

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