
Wow, he betrayed his base, just like the last time?

Who could have predicted this?

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@Aldo2 I pray to god the fat rednecks learned from blm how to pull your big black dick out and make the gov lick it (that is exactly what BLM did, were they punished? No, they were rewarded.) But fat rednecks seem to be all talk although jan 6th proved they might have finally gotten off their lazy asses. Trump might not want to piss them off.

@Jazzy_Butts BLM betrayed their own base after their leaders got what they wanted (holiday houses and enough money to do nothing for the rest of their lives).

Look around, I'd say your average BLM supporter is treated in exactly the same way as in the past (or even worse, tbh).

Both groups were used/abused until they weren't needed.

Jan 6th was gay. Not because hur dur liberalism, but because they weren't even serious to begin with.

Trump can do what he wants, and much of the time, it actually HARMs his base. He's only in it for himself.

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