And how so are they not, the only reason they're not considered the same is due to that weird ass fucker John Money.



They are different, because a man can identify as a woman while being biologically a man.

A woman can identify as a man while being biologically a woman.

It's simple, really.

Gender relates to identity, sex relates to biology.

They are different concepts.

@Aldo2 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfried >Gender relates to identity, sex relates to biology.
This is a modern linguistic switcheroo, and we have the receipts to call you out. Decent people have said "gender" to be 'polite' and not say the word "sex". This was a mistake, as the gender critical activists have attempted to gaslight everyone by changing the commonly used meaning of a word. Yeah, "gender" was always a made-up concept, but even more so in the way you people use it.
And I can say I’m anything, I identify as an elf don’t you know? why is it considered legitimate to the point you can fuck with your body for it?
@Aldo2 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfried >They are different, because a man can identify as a woman while being biologically a man.

>A woman can identify as a man while being biologically a woman.

So fucking what? Lies and delusions aren't worthy of acknowledgement beyond basic debunking. Being "transgender" makes no more sense than being trans-age, or trans-species.
*According to John Money, the pedo kid diddler who invented trannyism.
Even crediting the invention of trannyism to John Money is giving them too much credit since in reality it was almost all invented by mentally ill teens on Tumblr who then sought out fringe science to back up their delusions.
Glowniggers groomed them into it I think. Look up who the photographer for "Caitlyn" Jenner's coming out photoshoot was. Also shortly before coming out, Bruce Jenner killed a woman in a highway crash driving drunk. Charges were mysteriously dropped and the woman's family settled out of court. Bruce was pretty clearly blackmailed into it I think and the whole trans movement is full of astroturfing like that.
Yeah, it was an unholy alliance between the faggot mafia and the Chicoms. Neither one of those groups should ever have been allowed access to the internet.
I saw a clip from Married with Children from the 90s where they imply that Bruce Jenner is a fag.
It's mental illness and you should kill yourself.
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