It is not oppression when you're told you can't change in the women's locker room. It is not oppression when somebody refuses to humor your degenerate games of play pretend. It is not oppression when parents resist your efforts to corrupt the minds and bodies of their children with wacko gender perversions. This deviancy is a social pathogen that only spread as far as it did because the immune responses were being unnaturally suppressed.


@Hoss it is "oppression" when you get murdered on the street for simply existing.

Don't act like trans people being murdered in public doesn't happen.

@Aldo2 @Hoss You do realize this heshe:
1. Drugged a minor.
2. Was killed by its lesbian lover.

Just another example of perverts killing perverts, like "Sam" Nordquist, Ryan "Emma" Zimmerman, etc.

@AidanTTIerian @Hoss

"Drugged a minor" lol

Her lesbian lover was the minor?

So you care about the lesbian? Or, no, you hate both of them.

Lol, faux empathy is disgusting to see.

Get help, but you're pro-Russia/Iran/Syria so.....I don't know what to expect...

>Get help, but you're pro-Russia/Iran/Syria so.....I don't know what to expect...
@Hoss @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian that nigga's been tranny chasing for an hour now i don't think he's anything but low quality bait
@Hoss @AidanTTIerian @Aldo2 aw hell naw, he's worse than that
he's an actual pedonigger, bitterblossom is on rape pet and jazzy butts is a whining pedonigger loser squatting on gameliberty
Explains a lot. Also explains why he hates Russians, you just obliterated this nigga in like five seconds flat.
@Hoss @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian and all i had to do was check for how long he was keeping this ruse up and then accidentally scroll down further

@lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss

My posts are public because I have nothing to hide. The only reason I locked that under followers was to protect my followers.

But obviously you don't care about privacy.

>I just wanted to protect my pedo followers! How dare you invade my privacy!
Not beating the allegations, pal.
@Hoss @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian he's not even trying to beat them cuz he thinks being proud of wanting to rape kids is a good thing

@lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss

Where have I ever on this instance, ever said that I want to "rape kids"?

As far as I can tell, the only time I've talked about sexual assault was when I brought up how I've been sexually assaulted by both women and men (as an adult, not as a child).


@lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss

You're the one making shit up, not me.

Like I said, I'm open about my attractions and tendencies.

You're the one implying that lolicon isn't pedophilia...

So, in that sense, you're the one trying to argue your way out of.....Something...

@Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian @Hoss and now turnabout, what's gonna be next, you bragging that you have more sex than the hecking incels? or maybe the faggot sass that your ilk are always reduced to when mocked?

@lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss


You're the one who said lolicon isn't pedophilia....

I'm open abouy my attractions. Are you?

What is it with all you people and calling me fag and tranny and all this shit?

It's like you've got repressed feelings or something...

@Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian @Hoss >It's like you've got repressed feelings or something...
ah here's the projection now, you still have faggot sass to go to pull all the tricks that faggots pull here
i wonder if you seriously think that your dollar store attempts at turning the conversation will work

@lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss

Projection happens when one deliberately hides or wants to obfusgate.

I am open. You're the one who isn't.

Ergo, you are the one projecting, not me.

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