Skibicki toilet...
Why is it that this stuff always seems to happen in France...
Israelis think war is just like a vidya gayme.
Palestinians are the better players tho...
"America has to embrace and become what it truly is -- a kind of glorified global parasite with a massive welfare-consumer class, run by a tiny clique of canny bankers, backed up by the spearpoint of a ruthless Prussian warrior caste." - American (living in Japan) "Dissident" Colin Liddell.
I mean, the AOC is not 18 per se, but like, everything here is becoming increasingly Americanized.
If I were dating a 16 year old, we'd still have to remain very much on the down-low.
One of the "conspiracy theories" that I think can be tied in to the other big "conspiracies" out there is, simply put, the fact that girls are fertile and horny before they're 18 (or even 16). Of course, the more "activist" pedophiles will say that age can go as low as even 5 or 6, which is.....You know, slow down a bit, bub...
Think about the craze with limiting teen pregnancies years ago, and how that ties in with mass-contraception, and how that ties in with feminism etc... etc... The list goes on and on and on.
Falling birth-rates (in the West, regardless of race/ethnicity, really) are basically a result of the elite social-engineering the natural "younger is better" preference out of the human psyche.
A person I follow on social media said that nowadays, women are calling men who pursue only 18 year olds "pedophiles", because they're 30. Ridiculous. And even though that person wouldn't call themselves a pedo or anything like that, they said that what would result from such lunacy is actually a normalization of pedophilic tendencies (i.e. "the younger the better") as a "counter-culture" to retarded oppression.
I live in a country which only recently raised the AOC to 18.
Before, it was 16, and only a few years before that it was 14.
I've already gone over the shit that I've seen in my time here, so I'll just leave it at that.
So I found out that my other acc. no longer exists, as the instance got shut down or closed or whatever.
So I'm stuck with this one, it seems.
Ah well, I didn't post any "goon" shit anyways. My version of "horny posting" was a wall of text about consensual relationships...
Look, I can't help having pedophilic tendencies, OK?
You can't sit there and tell me that Emma Watson at 14/15 wasn't her peak.
How would you react if a 13 or 14 year old girl hits on you in a bar and tries to drag you into the toilet while her boyfriend (who is 18, but that's another story) is outside?
I don't call myself a MAP, or engage in "activism" or whatever. I just remember my own childhood, how kids actually behave, and teehee obviously some of those young girls are attractive (and know they are attractive, clearly).
At the same time, it's not like I'm going to sit there myself and say Danni Ashe isn't one of the most beautiful all-natural women I've ever seen.
Fuck man. It all comes back to me discovering this place and the "pediverse" and shit.
I came here from loli/toddlercon porn, but basically became a philosophical "non-exclusive pedophile" (to use Tumblr speak) who occasionally posts something sexual...
The meme is coming true.
Sexy woman in film - Rapist knows best.
Bibi himself is now openly, publicly, demanding all anti-Israel protests be banned, with force, and all "free speech" in "the West" end.
Even fucking Alex Jones and his team are calling it.
I don't know man, whatever...