

In the 1930's, Hitler sided with the industrialist C(r)apitalists over the salt-of-the-earth agrarian Socialists of his own party.

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You mean you want the attractive probation officers?

Sorry, you need to fondle a child before you can get them sent to your door...


@LukeAlmighty but wait, there's more...


In his latest video his probation officers (who are trying to take down his channel) give him less than 1 day to download and install monitoring software on all his devices to track everything he does (even though he already did that regarding another software program). He has to give them all his social media/communication accounts, and passwords for everything.

He no longer has any privacy whatsoever AFTER serving his time and being released. None.

Ironically, prison probably offered him more privacy.

If I was in his position I'd most likely kill myself and leave a note for when they visit me again and find a dead body.

Right before I go to bed.

This is quite possibly the craziest Youtube recommendation I've ever gotten, and it just highlights the sheer absurdity and abuse of the situation:

"Hooked up with a high school girl when I was in college. Spent 5 years in prison. I'm over 40 now and this is the shit I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life"

"I don't say the numbers to protect her, not to minimize what I've done. It doesn't matter. It was bad. I paid for it. I'm still paying for it. How much longer should I pay for it? Its not a debt if it can never be paid."

Some of the comments, really the majority, are honestly surprising, understanding, humorous and intelligent. Other comments, the minority, are made by people who fantasize about killing or torturing others just for fun while claiming they're the "good guys".

The guy is exceptionally brave for showing what people in his predicament have to deal with.


@Jazzy_Butts @matrix

I was going to write a comment, but then I typed in "teenage girls wearing short-shorts" on Google images and now I'm drooling on my laptop and I've forgotten what I was going to write...

......Damn you, penis!

Why me?!?!?!?!!

@matrix of course, I'm not saying that all children can consent, or that I want AOC abolished or whatever.

I'm just arguing for a more nuanced understanding on the issue and child sexuality in general, rather than just hyper-emotional responses from either side.

If there isn't that nuance, then you're leaving the door open to the loonies or the puritan prudes to run the asylum.

I know it's something that only "MAPs" talk about, but I've been reading some medical studies where the same point is made:

The more we obsess about "protecting the children" (or "protecting minors" to relate the point to the case in the OP) and restricting their behavior, the more we inadvertedly push them into dangerous situations.

There are those who support Trump because they want their views normalized (i.e. they want to become the new normies; to become "liberal"). "End of history".

And then there are those who want to retain their "radical", "dissident" character ("normies get off my stream!!!") and keep pushing. "The journey not the arrival matters".

I think the reason for this is because the Red Cross is checking/verifying/confirming that Palestinians in Israeli prisons have been tortured (some probably sexually, considering all the 90 prisoners slated to be released on the first day were women), and the Israelis know this, and don't want the information getting out (even though everyone already knows).

The Israelis also demanded that there be no celebrations for the released Palestinians by their family members.

Only Israelis are allowed to celebrate when their prisoners get released, apparently.

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One of the handful of Arab MK's in Israel says he hopes for peace and is happy at the prisoner exchange between Palestinians and Israelis, and he's immediately shouted down by Jewish supremacists (from Likud, Bibi's party) who call Palestinians "the scum of the earth".


Israelis try not to be insane challenge - Impossible.

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Reminder that the Israelis still haven't released a single one of the 90 agreed upon prisoners held in Israeli jails without trial yet.

I wonder how those prisoners have been treated, eh?

Only correction needed is that it was 2 EFPs and only 1 RPG.

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I guess part of the reason I found it hard to take the Ukrainian side seriously was because, from 2014, the conflict seemed to be lopsided in Ukraine's favor (at least, in a media sense).

The Ukrainians had a state, and a psuedo-army (Azov, Dnipro etc... were the most motivated soldiers but they were just militia at that point). The DPR/LPR were the "rag-tag" (although not really) guys who put together their army using blu tack and duct tape.

Obviously, in the present day, the Ukrainians are more clearly the underdogs, and, looking back, they were also the underdogs (Russia was directly supporting and even intervening to support the rebels whenever they felt they needed to). But hindsight is 20-20, and I'm a retard most of the time. I guess all I can do is apologize for being retarded.

I lean more towards Ukraine now, not because I'm some sort of Banderist neo-Nazi or whatever, but just rationally, Russia has to be the one to make the first step in ending this. If they don't do it willingly, they have to be made to do it. The stronger (or, perhaps the better word is bigger) side has to be the one to step back.

It is much easier for me to see the just cause (defensive war protecting their people) of the Palestinians or even, dare I say it, the Nusra/ISIS types in Syria/Iraq. They were and are the ones without an airforce, without tanks, without allies intervening on their behalf, without anything, except their own wits, ingenuity and massive balls.

While in the Ukrainian war, FPV drones take up like 80% of all combat footage, in Gaza, it was 80% GoPro footage taken up close, mere meters away from tanks, infantry in buildings etc... Palestinian fighters staring directly down tank barrels or into the eyes of the IDF.

The footage from Oct 7th (Israel's greatest ever military defeat) is crazy enough, but almost all of the footage from Gaza is just....It's the stuff of legend.

There was one video which I remember seeing which involved 3 Qassam fighters coming out of an attack tunnel in the middle of an IDF mechanized infantry tank-park (at least company-size). Planting an EFP behind a tank (while the infantry are milling around 5m in front of them - this is caught on camera), and then firing 2 RPG rounds at parked APCs before running back into their tunnel, detonating the EFP, and then blowing up the tunnel entrance when the IDF soldiers rush to it.

All that happens in the span of like 2 at most 3 minutes. Flawlessly executed.

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