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Notice some key things here.

The U.S. declared that Ukraine was not involved, but that "extremists" were the culprits.

The article even mentions Chechens.

So, how likely is it that what we see here is maybe Russian/Chechen pro-Ukraine types infiltrating into Ukraine to conduct terror operations.

That way Ukraine can claim deniability.

And it fits with Nuland's parting gift, of some "special surprises for Russia".

In a kinda stunning turn, when asked by the host of Question Time whether they supported the recent "anti-extremism" legislation in the U.K. (against non-controlledop Europeans and against anti-Zionists in particular), not a single audience member responded positively.

The entire audience sat there, still, in silence.

All the MAGAtards with at least a shred of heart and soul left (i.e. the non-Genx/Boomers) are coming to the realization, due to Israel's open meddling and humiliation of America on the world stage, that Israelis are not good people.

Joe Biden was caught on mike that he wanted to tell a Messianic Israeli Jew (Bibi) that he needed a "come to Jesus" moment.

I mean, we're now playing Biblical hot-potatoe xD

Zionists are trying so hard, that they're going to make things infinitely worse for "their people" when Israel inevitably is taken down a peg.

> Hamas and other Palestinian groups call for every Palestinian to come out on Ramadan (4-5 days from today)

> Hamas calls the West's badly concealed bluff of a "temporary ceasefire", which was in secret an attempt by Israel to get stocks replenished

Maybe a fair amount can happen in 5 days, but if "it" actually happens (bearing in mind, this same strategy was attempted by the Vietnamese, and it failed), this is probably what we're going to see...

I mean, I'm an American citizen, too, but I live in Europe.

Although we're still obv just as fucked over here.

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I think I've cracked some sort of philosophy code or something. Or maybe discovered an old tome.

If there is an objective truth, then it cannot exist with "freedom of speech".

"Freedom of speech" allows people to lie, and people to accept those lies and follow them.

"Freedom of speech" is what has led to American/European "pro-free speech" people supporting Zionists, who actively seek to restrict European (as well as anyone else's) right to freedom fo speech.

I have an American friend who argues that Zionists should be allowed to speak at universities because "muh free speech", while pro-Zionist groups lobby to ban students and teachers from universities for saying something as benign as "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free".

It's unreal.

This has got to stop.


And before anyone cites the Russian Revolution and aftermath in attempt to fedora-tip me, know that the major part of the financing for the White Russians came from the West (even Germany), and even then, by the end of the Russian Civil War, the White Russian leadership (Admiral Kolchak) despised the West as liars and thieves (much like Kiev will in future).

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Here's what I sense:

The "Elite" are going to make their Hail Mary switching the population's ire from them to making them turn against each other (you are seeing this in response to Gaza right now, where libshits are turning into "counter-Jihad" types).

They want you to fight in a civil war, while they sit back.

Don't fall for it.

Revolution over civil war.

Revolution always.

It is coming. And you will have to make the choice.

"...the hope for the people of Gaza or Palestine is for the Americans to grow a spine and to take their country back...Please note, today is Palestine, tomorrow it could be someone else. God Bless Aaron Bushnell, may he rest in eternal Peace"

Wild Youtube comment

Think about this, when you're about to succumb to Hasbara Ziopropaganda.

This wasn't even done regarding the Syrians.

It truly is "until the last Ukrainian".

Even these mindless anti-Russian Estonians are thinking "why are they desperate for more and more and more men if they're winning?".

Fucking Eurocrats are so fucked...

"...Israelis care really about the Americans and not anybody else; they don't care about world opinion. They think almost all the Gentiles are antisemites anyway, and what really matters is that they have American backing"

Obersturmführer Mearsheimer

It's amazing how the one person with the balls to cover and be on the public record talking at length about the role that billionaire Jewish Zionists play in swaying public opinion at large is Max Blumenthal (a Jewish man).

He points out how what we see on the T.V. is a charade (bread and circuses), and the reality is that you have moderate Zionist billionaires (Wokies) going up against radical Zionists (Greater Israel types) behind the scenes, using their money and corruption to get their way.

And this is in all areas; all conceivable places.

He covers politics (RFK is funded by Adelson, to challenge Biden), education - the recent Harvard scandal (again, behind the scenes there were threats to pull out the millions in funding from the ultra-right Zionists, and this led to the response that we see in the media), legacy news, and although he isn't a pop-culture guy, there is obviously another parallel in Marvel/Disney (Iger vs. Perlmutter, and the woke vs. anti-woke pop-culture battle at large).

Dare I say it, but is Max (((our goy)))?

Fuck, they figured it out.

Don't fall for it unless they actually do something.

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