The purpose of the State is to maintain the civic peace. Liberal democracy contributes to the disruption of that peace.
The State should be run by a board of associates, with oversight by a board of supervisors and an independent board of auditors, on the principles of democratic centralism.
Civil society should operate (with the State's backing) on the principles of corporate solidarism.
Religion is disruptive to the civic peace through theological, sectarian, and exegetic conflict. As such, it should be firmly barred from the public sphere except as a subject of objective historical study.
White people, as a whole, are inherently and irredeemably racist, only to differing degrees. Therefore, if White privilege (through the marginalization of Black people) keeps food on the table and a roof over one's head, it is acceptable.
Black people should not be encouraged to conform to White social norms (i.e., studying/working hard, wearing neat clothing, etc.) or practicing White religion (especially the slavemaster's Christianity). They should not be expected to obey White law; nor should they expect its protection, as the risk of their being shot, assaulted, abused, or otherwise aggrieved by law enforcement is unacceptable.
As grading and punctuality are forms of white supremacy, all inner-city schools should be closed permanently. Western (“White”) history, philosophy, politics, etc. should not be taught to Black students at any level of education.
In the field of medicine, racial predispositions to certain illnesses should be ignored.
For all illicit substances, adult possession without intent to sell should be decriminalized, and substance abuse considered a matter of public health.
All private prisons should be closed.
Politicians, whether running for or holding public office, should be legally prohibited from owning firearms, without exception.
All restrictions on magazine capacity should be rescinded.
Bump-fire stocks should be legal.
The U.S. should withdraw from all military alliances and adopt a policy of non-interventionism.
All corporations with offshored jobs should be made to return those jobs under penalty of dissolution.
All multimillion-dollar corporations should pay no less than 30% nor more than 70% in taxes.
Corporations should be compelled to work in the national interest.
Of course, none of this will become reality.
Speaking of wrong lines of work, to join the ranks of the Christian priesthood in this day and age would be a very stupid mistake. Don't even try to make me laugh with claims of service to God. The contemporary church has no such purpose. Protect the flock from evil and discourage them from sin? Forget "go and sin no more." The clergy's rule of the day is "come on in and have a good time."
Now, don't misunderstand—I'm not saying that going in there will just transform you like magic into some cartoonish villain waving a mini "Christian America" flag in one hand and swiping through a same-sex hookup app on your smartphone in the other. But you'd be entering a nest of libertine vipers, not a house of God.
Then there's corruption through politics. One thing the clergymen and theologians of old were right to say was to keep away from "courtly" life and its influence. The American Evangelical movement sold its soul to partisan politics decades ago. "Be not of this world," my ass—just look at conservative and liberal Christianity here in the States. There's a world of difference between supporting the Civil Rights movement in the '60s and labeling God a member of a given political party. The emphasis must be on humility and hope, not pride and fear.
If you want to serve the Lord in the church, go to a monastery. If that life's not for you, then learn a trade. The world, or at least the U.S., needs skilled workers more than it does priests.
Besides, what secular line of work could be more Christlike than humble tradesmanship?
It's easy to say "look for the light in the darkness" if you assume the light is still there since you last saw it.
In light of Uvalde, police in this country need a reminder that the fine print of their job description includes the term "bullet sponge."
Yes, they have to put themselves into the line of fire. Yes, they have to take the risk of getting shot, even to death. Yes, they have to deal with the fact that their profession requires them to put their lives on the line. And all that means going after an active shooter even if outgunned, because every shot aimed at officers is one less aimed at civilians.
You don't—can't—sit on your ass when dealing with perps whose only goal is mass murder. It doesn't matter if they're contained. You neutralize the threat, pronto.
Public safety comes before officer safety. If police can't understand that, then they should let the communities they supposedly serve protect themselves.
I never thought I'd have even the slightest sympathy for the police abolition movement, but there it is.
#CopsAreBuffoons #CopsAreCowards
Given the post-truth world in which we live, and the continuing advances in photorealistic imaging and voice synthesis tech, the question must be begged: how long before deepfakes and real media are entirely indistinguishable? Before "actors" can be sprung from pixels? Before anyone with a laptop and sufficient computer literacy can bring their personal "truths" to life? Before conspiracy theories can be "proven?"
"You know, I really hate this fuck. This Black Dahlia guy. Have you seen the body? Fucking case just gnaws away at your guts. Hollywood...every prom queen from every fucking hick town in America turns up here. Where do they end up? Gutted on the fucking sidewalk."
M4 Sherman upgraded with 105mm howitzer in action, Pacific Storm map. The big HE rounds have surprising effect against heavy armor at close range, especially when hitting the sides or rear.
#BattlefieldV #Battlefield
Gameplay clips and screenshots, memes, and a dash of musing when the mood strikes.