"Even the asexual has a deviation - his asexuality. It is far more abnormal to have a lack of sexual desire (unless illness or old-age, or another valid reason has caused the wane) than it is to be sexually promiscuous. However, if a Satanist chooses sexual sublimation over overt sexual expression, that is entirely his own affair. In many cases of sexual sublimation (or asexuality), any attempt to emancipate himself sexually would prove devastating to the asexual.
Asexuals are invariably sexually sublimated by their jobs or hobbies. All the energy and driving interest which would normally be devoted to sexual activity is channeled into other pastimes or into their chosen occupation. If a person favors other interests over sexual activity, it is his right, and no one is justified in condemning him for it. However, the person should at least recognize the fact that this is a sexual sublimation."
(Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible, 1969)

I consider it very interesting that Satanism has officially considered asexuality to be a valid identity, and condoned and accepted it, going all the way back to its foundation in the 1960's. Acceptance of asexuality among the LGBT community is very recent, only a decade or two ago you'd find countless people denying that it even existed. Even today, many in the LGBT community exclude asexuals, or don't accept the validity of asexuality. And yet Satanism - a highly sexual religion - has accepted asexuality from its foundation in the 60's. Sexual freedom is an incredibly important part of Satanism, but sexual freedom doesn't necessarily mean promiscuity. Many who claim to promote concepts of "sexual freedom" and empowerment have very narrow definitions of what that "freedom" includes. Someone who wishes to devote themselves to a single person and remain monogamous should be free to do so, if they are truly sexually free. Someone who doesn't want to have sex at all should be free to do so, if they are truly sexually free. Someone who wishes to be in a committed relationship with two or more people at once should be free to do so. Someone who doesn't want to be in a relationship at all, and just wants to have sex with no strings attached should be free to do so. Someone who doesn't wish to have sex with someone should be free to refuse consent, for any reason whatsoever, or even for no reason at all. For true sexual freedom, all of these things must be accepted and seen as valid.

Something I should note, this was in a section discussing how sexual deviations and fetishes aren't wrong and shouldn't be condemned or seen as "unnatural", and that individuals should embrace and accept their deviations. While "deviation" may often be intended in an insulting or offensive manner, in this context it is being used to explain why asexuality is being listed among the other sexualities, and why it too should be accepted.

I also don't necessarily agree with the second paragraph, about being sexually sublimated by their jobs. Regardless, even in modern times, this acceptance of asexuality would be seen as rather progressive. Over half a century ago, when this was written, something like this was practically unheard of.

Question: what form of Satanism are we talking about here? Laveyan Satanism or something else I'm not aware of?


@alyx LaVeyan. The quote is from the Satanic Bible.

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