Facebook just declared Kyle a mass murderer so you can't express support for him on Facebook


@matrix They did this a few days ago. It's ridiculous. You can't even argue against the mainstream media's blatant lies and misinformation without being censored anymore.

@Galena @matrix legit curious what the lie is here. i sure hope you're not supporting a kid who killed two people.
@matrix okay so at least one of you is just a fucking idiot with a fetish for violence, i see. @Galena

Yes LMAO. I might be a gigantic pussy but even I have a bit of common sense that you shouldn't just allow yourself get killed.
What about those people who attacked him? Don't they have a fetish for violence?

@matrix they were defending themselves from a crazy kid with an illegally-obtained weapon, dipshit

They didn't know it was illegally held.
He was just standing there doing nothing when they tried to grab his gun. When he tried running away they started chasing him. The guy who had a pistol had the intention of killing him, atleast according to a friend.

@matrix damn u arguing this kid's innocence like i'd argue for a black dude who had a counterfeit bill @Galena

Except the kid wasn't high and willingly surrounded to the cops

@sylveon @Galena
Not that justifies crushing someone's neck for like 7 minutes

@sylveon @matrix @Galena ah, the hidden mind of the illegal firearm with its natural propensity for shooting people who dindu nuffin wrong
@sylveon @matrix @Galena Defending themselves by chasing an overweight child until he tripped and unable to run?
@sylveon @Galena @matrix Any decent person would support a kid who defended himself against Marxist pedophiles and terrorists trying to kill him.

@sylveon @matrix The lie is that he's a white supremacist mass shooter. He was very clearly acting in self defense from the footage that's available.

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