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No matter how many times I click "Load more" it doesn't load anything else. Refreshing the page doesn't change anything. Good job Mastodon.

@l0wk3y @ThreeOneThreeChris Ha, no, found him, it was @mwill. It looks like he called it a "cubbyhole" instead of "a Gab", but it was great. Bonus :torbo:-in-a-high-chair image and speech getting made free again.

@kazuma Why is there an ad in this?
That's a very weirdly relevant ad, too.

Looking over this Gab "hate speech" dataset... annotator 1 is fucking crazy.

> huffpo is a joke

HATE SPEECH, against human dignity, vulgar & offensive language, discriminates against sexual orientation, explicit

Dataset is here:

Context, if you don't know what I'm talking about:

@pasture Straight white men can just get that black friend they all have to change one line and remove the license for them

I feel like anyone who says all men are bad or all women are bad just had a traumatic experience with someone and decided everyone must act the same

@velartrill "Yeah it's a massive invasion of privacy and it doesn't work but it's cheap and it makes me feel good"

becoming god and retconning it so everyone is a cuntboy

@allison @velartrill Shit like this normalizes it and indoctrinates kids to it. It just makes it easier to push this on them when they're adults.

sure we COULD make some effort to reverse the deterioration of the social fabric and epidemic of loneliness and disaffection that is largely responsible for the school shooting problem in the US… or we could use it as an excuse to disarm the working class AND make billions of dollars taking away the privacy of children so they have absolutely no recourse besides surrendering themselves to the therapeutic state to be pumped full of neurotoxins when they experience unlawful thoughts

"An outlander is anyone born and raised outside of Morrrowind. Most Dunmer think anyone who isn't a native-born Dunmer is an outlander. Dunmer with Western words and ways are also immediately identified as outlanders -- Dunmer are very sensitive to accents, clothes, and manners in Morrowind. Outlanders are foreigners, and Morrowind doesn't like foreigners. It's not bad here in Hlaalu territory, but on the rest of Vvardenfell, folk are very cool to outlanders." smash the patriarchy by eating eggs all day every day

@georgia just do like americans and eat burgers for each meal
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.