@p @sjw@neckbeard.xyz Fedi really needs a setting that hides all bot posts on TWKN. I don't want to mute all the bots because I don't mind seeing when people I follow retweet their good content and I follow a few bots I like, but seeing a billion bots shitting up TWKN constantly is annoying as fuck, and muting them all is a losing battle because there's a billion of them and it seems like every day more spring up.
@matrix same for both tbh
@sylveon That must be horrible.
@shebang Yeah, it's pretty fucked up, to say the least.
@shebang I've actually seen "41 percenter" and "41%er" thrown around as transphobic slurs a few times.
@shebang How I imagine most of these jokes are written:
"bro... what if... like... minorities existed?"
"dude that is the fuckin funniest shit, how do you come up with this shit?"
@shebang I haven't heard about this, what happened?
This is why I hate the “mainstream” trans community. It’s toxic, dishonest and mostly bullshit.
People should transition if they have dysphoria and its making their life miserable and maybe even putting them at risk for suicide. Not “for fun”, “muh gender norms” or “I want to be special / pretend to be an oppressed minority”.
This isn’t my post, but an example of the kind of opinions that get instantly banned.
Being trans is pretty terrible, but the worst part of it is being automatically associated with the lunatic leftists.
@matrix >democrat
>admits to circulating CP
It checks out.
@mewmew But it's my one true pair
@shpuld Dispensin an erector
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @Grandtheftautism and loli, and furries, and pokemon porn, and actually playing videogames
@matrix It's not like this is new, there's been stuff like Toddlers in Tiaras for ages now
I hate bios, but I hate leaving them empty even more.
She/her preferred, but I don't really care.
Nonbinary Demisexual. Degenerate biscum. Right Libertarian. Extreme misanthrope. I like my boys dressed like girls, and my girls dressed like boys. Traps are the ideal male form, and tomboys are peak female performance. I can't count high enough to measure my IQ, but you could probably count it on one hand.
On all levels except physical, I am a generic white girl.
Hardcore super feminist psyop Satanist.
Flirty, friendly, and warm.
Nerdy, Libertarian, and frequently sarcastic. I should be put in jail. That's what made me statist.
Democratic catboy authoritarian fascist dictator.
You think Christ would eat somebody? He would never do that. I will.
I'm one of the freaks, the faggots, the geeks, the savages. Rogues, rebels, dissident devils, artists, martyrs, infidels.
Don't follow if you're under 18.
Main: @galena
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