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@steakwipe @RehnSturm256 He's really cool. Fun gameplay mechanics too. He automatically switches out when he drops below half HP, and he's slow as fuck but gets access to a lot of moves that are guaranteed to attack before the opponent does. One of his best attacks also only works on the first turn he's sent out. So he's intended to come out, hit hard, tank a hit and swap to an ally, then be ready to come out again for another strong hit later in the match. He's very fun to use. Sucks for competitive, but still fun to use.

HOLY FUCK. The Lemmy dev just deleted my comment from his Github, speaking out against his "ideas/actions". Claiming I stated the point of the Fediverse was for racist slurs. I didn't first of all, I said it was to give users the freedom to do and say whatever, without censorship, which is a massive issue with Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, etc. and the Fediverse is a great way to deal with this, especially because you don't have to fucking Federate with an instance you don't like which is already a form of censorship imo in a way, but a MUCH better way of dealing with it then one centralized group being able to say what can be said or posted and what can't, and changing rules as they go. And this is EXACTLY what the "code of conduct" he "implemented" into Lemmy does. It doesn't matter if you want to self-host an instance that allows people to say whatever, he essentially says you can't do that. What's the point? Why would anyone leave other platforms for his?
Sure part of the Fediverse, sure privacy, but censorship is the most cared about feature to leave those other platforms, what's the point of leaving them, just to get the same shit somewhere else.

And I used the word "retarded" in my response, stating "it's retarded" referring to the idea of having the "code of conduct" that applies to everyones instances, not even towards anybody specific. Banned me from the Issue, and removed my comment.Wow.

I posted the issue with what was going on at the bottom of the post I replied to, but essentially, he is the dev of Lemmy, creating an alternative to Reddit, which is cool (again imo I prefer imageboards but still), so someone had opened an issue asking how to disable the slur filter, and essentially he said the slur filter will never be removable, even if you self-host an instance.
The way he stated it wasn't clear to me, so I asked if this would be the case on instances people self-host, to allow it. And he said no, there won't be an "uncensored" version, as it goes against "Lemmys code of conduct"

What the fuck. That LITERALLY defeats the purpose of Federation. Giving users the FREEDOM to create an instance that this shit doesn't apply to. I can understand not allowing it on official instances. But restricting EVERYONE even those who wish to self-host an instance? Am I not the only one who sees how fucking stupid this is? This is no different to ANY centralized platform at that point, when it comes to censorship. If he can essentially add whatever he doesn't like to his "code of conduct" then have it apply to ALL instances, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? This frustrates me so much, because the platform itself looks great and has potential, but then the "code of conduct" ruins the whole thing.
Racism is a subjective thing, hate speech is a subjective thing, people may find something offensive, others won't. you can fucking block people, mute people, or just scroll past it. We have those features for a reason. We also have the ability to not fucking federate with instances that you don't like what they do. So DO THAT. Don't place a "code of conduct" along ALL instances.
Am I not the only one who sees the issue here?
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@Galena The things that people get obsessed with baffle me.

@shebang Have you ever seen those cans of mixed nuts, that say they're less than 50% peanuts? He made a groundbreaking video exposing the lies behind that claim, by finding a can thats contents were exactly 50% peanuts. That's all I knew about him before this drama.

@alyx Yep. After half a million Canadians lost their jobs, the government used the "labour shortage" as an excuse to give foreign workers special exceptions to the travel bans, and doubled how long temporary foreign workers could stay in the country.

@realcaseyrollins You forgot
Canada: Completely ignore the issue and pretend it doesn't exist until the PM's wife gets infected. Force businesses to fire everyone then bring in more immigrants to fill the sudden labor shortage you created.

>force businesses to lay off all their employees because corona
>suddenly massive labor shortage
>use labor shortage as an excuse to import more low-wage foreign workers and to double how long all the current temporary foreign workers can stay in the country
Just one of Trudeau's many galaxy brained strats. Canada prioritizes the needs of every other country over the needs of its own citizens, so why won't the US do the same for Canada? Fucking racist American pigs, how dare you put your own needs first?

Despite making up only 5% of the population, gays commit 100% of the homosex.

@fluffy @siliconprophet It was created by God to punish China for rewriting the Bible on Christmas.

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