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@p Fedi really needs a setting that hides all bot posts on TWKN. I don't want to mute all the bots because I don't mind seeing when people I follow retweet their good content and I follow a few bots I like, but seeing a billion bots shitting up TWKN constantly is annoying as fuck, and muting them all is a losing battle because there's a billion of them and it seems like every day more spring up. Using items in battle is basically cheating

@shebang I've actually seen "41 percenter" and "41%er" thrown around as transphobic slurs a few times.

@shebang How I imagine most of these jokes are written:
"bro... what if... like... minorities existed?"
"dude that is the fuckin funniest shit, how do you come up with this shit?"

This is why I hate the “mainstream” trans community. It’s toxic, dishonest and mostly bullshit.

People should transition if they have dysphoria and its making their life miserable and maybe even putting them at risk for suicide. Not “for fun”, “muh gender norms” or “I want to be special / pretend to be an oppressed minority”.

This isn’t my post, but an example of the kind of opinions that get instantly banned.

Being trans is pretty terrible, but the worst part of it is being automatically associated with the lunatic leftists.

"Ancient tomatoes were the size of berries; potatoes were no bigger than peanuts. Corn was a wild grass, its tooth-cracking kernels borne in clusters as small as pencil erasers. Cucumbers were spiny as sea urchins; lettuce was bitter and prickly. Peas were so starchy and unpalatable that, before eating, they had to be roasted like chestnuts and peeled. The sole available cabbage—the great-great-granddaddy of today’s kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower—was sea kale, a tough and tongue-curling leafy weed that grew along the temperate sea coasts. Carrots were scrawny. Beans were naturally laced with cyanide."
"Paleolithic fruit, though often smaller and tarter than modern varieties, was recognizably fruit. Apples, grapes, figs, plums, and pears have been tempting mammals for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years." Interesting. More that I think I'm developing a hardvore fetish and I don't really know how to deal with this information

anyone else get sexual satisfaction from eating something with a nice texture that gives a good cronch or is that just me, haha, asking for a friend

Here's the thing about Loli:

Western people complain about loli but not over western made cartoon porn because they have a bias that they got from their schooling.

To them Japanese anime and manga is objectionable because they were taught that eastern societies have women that are subservient to men. So therefore anything that Japan creates is "objectionable" no matter how positive for feminism it could be.

They don't react to anything not Asian because they're lower on the "objectionable" stack. That's why would see people complaining about Loli and then those same people talking about their Harry Potter porn. Western media is not "objectionable" because western society is "more progressive" than others.

Which is also why you are now seeing real children twerking on Netflix and those people don't complain about it because it wasn't made by Asians. To them, real children twerking to pedophiles is "liberation feminism".

Now do you get how this works? You should be paying more attention to the trash they're teaching at schools.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @Grandtheftautism and loli, and furries, and pokemon porn, and actually playing videogames

@matrix It's not like this is new, there's been stuff like Toddlers in Tiaras for ages now

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