There is one fundamental problem I cannot get over. There are obviously christians, who take christianity through a spiritual lense. And I do understand that kind of a religion.

But... I have been listening to christian apologists ever since I was a child. And I know, that this kind of a god was NOT what they were talking about. Neither the first mover nor the Pascal's vager are connected to the inner beauty of the world. The eternal hell I was promised and get threatened by is not connected to the inner piece this connection can bring.

So, even if I accepted this God, I still could never call myself a christian. Because I know, that it does describe something different, then what I would mean.

And yes, it is a problem, that I simply cannot get over. I feel disgust whenever I hear christian language. I will pray for you is closer to an insult then a greatful act.

Have you ever heard of this problem before? What do you think?


@LukeAlmighty I think I understand what you mean. I view it as works of historical fiction, things people made up or actually believed (but were mistaken about) mixed in with some facts. Like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, or Assasins Creed. But stupid people see this shit and think it's real, just because the story involves real known figures. I want to get a 1611 bible so I can see the book that shaped the west.

What are you talking about? I have Jehova's whitnesses 100m away from my door. It's the current christians that push me away so hard.

@LukeAlmighty I believe the church, all the way back to jesus and the other Jews, if he existed, was a club for people who liked stories which were fictional, that they may or may not have believed were fact or parable. I also believe the church of old looks nothing like the church of now for better or worse. Many christian cults is how I think of it. Which one has it right I wonder, if any.

@LukeAlmighty I agree with you the current church people push me away too, because I don't feel safe with them. They're all love and this and that but only if you agree as soon as you disagree it's a problem and they need to have discussions about it with you (domination) until you agree or leave.

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