I know it's cope, but the problem is, that if this "barely legal is pedophilia" shit spreads, then the legal age is going to raise to fucking stratosphere.
I think you seriously underestimate the fear average person holds of being called a pedo by Karren.
Hint, mere accusation does drive people to suicide. Do you think, it won't drive votes?
@NEETzsche @diresock
While you're technically correct, I don't think the change is comming as fast as you hope.
I think it’s going to take a generation. As we replace the old generation, our sensibilities become the status quo. It’s a cycle. I know I harp on about muh cycles all the time but here we are again. We’re going to have kids who think some of our ideas are backwards because they just don’t measure up to the times, times we can’t even fathom today.
@NEETzsche @diresock
The first change I have noticed about this generation is, that the way they see photography is beyond anything, I was even able to explain to my parents. And I feel so left behind.
But... Doing a professional photoshoots is a common event for them.
@NEETzsche @diresock @LukeAlmighty I've got to learn a trade...I just need it to be a trade with mostly people who are chill about sexuality.
@NEETzsche @diresock @LukeAlmighty Maybe I could learn electronics and then pivot that into doing lighting work for events