
I love seeing musk get assraped in real time by his own dogs (or at least he was dumb enough to think they were his)

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@Jazzy_Butts they aren't assraping him, because they are totally ineffectual.

Sure, they're in "revolt", but they can't do anything.

It was all a LARP by Trump and Elon, and the "dogs" fell for it.

Now they're going to be taken to the vet to be put down...

@Aldo2 I don't think Trump and Musk are getting along behind the scenes. Musk is rich and yadda yadda but Trumps daddy is one of the gmen who handled the fucking Tesla shit (the real Tesla) after he died. Trump has access and secrets little diamond boy Elon can't even dream of.

@Jazzy_Butts Trump may have secrets, but he wouldn't have won without Elon's money.

The average Trumper has only enough money to donate what, a few hundred bucks?

That's nothing compared to Elon donating over 200m to Trump's campaign.

Everyone knows money is power, and Elon is the "richest man in the World".

@Aldo2 Elon has fake money essentially, real money is royal money and dark money and it is not listed in any reports. Saudi and English Royal families have money like that.

@Jazzy_Butts I mean, there's allot of "dark money" going round nowadays. It's how "terrorist attacks" happen allot of the time (i.e. some guy messages you on Telegram and pays you via Etherium or some shit).

And Elon has plenty of that sort of money, too. All he has to do is just transfer his real/fake money to the darkweb, and hey presto.

Anyways, I still think Elon has Trump's ear more than the average low-on-the-ladder Trump supporter does.

@Aldo2 I wonder if there was dark money that caused the Goths to turn on the Romans and destroy their empire, it seems like they just did that on their own, for their own benefit, but I don't know too much about it. Push people around long enough and they'll push back, push people long enough and they'll behave irrationally, push them past a certain limit and things go insane, money stops mattering. Food starts mattering, and water, and for some people even that is worth giving up for what they believe to be justice.

@Aldo2 Like if you're in a country with a caste system, no matter how much money or dark money you get you can't spend it anywhere because no one will touch your money simply because it came from YOU, imagine a bum gets a million dollars, or a thick stack of hundreds to be more realistic, he walks into a place stinking like shit, dressed in rags, looking out of it, but he's got money and he knows how to ask for service well enough, it's just that they won't give it to him. He pulls out his money, they don't care, they don't want to hear it, they want him to leave. Sometimes money can't even buy you freedom, and that's when things turn into jungle time. And little fat bitch boys with a stack of checkers shit their pants because none of their UFC bodyguards give a shit about their checkers stack anymore, they care about looting everything they can from the compound and fucking every supermodel bitch who's there on standby for said fat little checkers hoarding bitch. When things get crazy soft fat lying little doughboys get their shitty asses pushed down a flight of stairs (literally happened to elmo as a kid because he was dumb enough to mock another kids dead father who had committed suicide).

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