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Doing some calculations to figure how how many babies it takes to give the equivalent force of a catastrophic impact and now I can't stop laughing

When is baraag going to open up again? I want to follow new people already.

mfw I buy a whole chicken and it doesn't have the organs in it

The Catholic church is so good and peaceful that they used to rape people in the asshole to death.

God damn that little nigger child hitting the dog with a bottle should have been fucking punted so fucking hard. I don't even like pitbulls but fuck that stupid little nigger and his stupid nigger parents. I get where the term "alligator bait" comes from now.

Need to get me a she/her who's only 19yo and convince her I have the answers to life

idea phase, it's a button, giving users the option to play chess!

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I found this e621 soyjack and it may be the greatest thing I've seen today

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAAAAAA the party is in full swing BABAY!!!!! (me and my cat)

God I fucking hate cultists, the bastards even tried to fucking ban christmas, fucking idol worshiping cross-tards (oh but the cross isn't a fucking idol? get fucked yes it is. you worship a torture device you retards, what is christ if he doesn't suffer on the cross? nothing. according to you. he is nothing without the torture. you worship the torture. get fucked.)

mfw i see civil war trending (but am a psychopathic narcissist addicted to adrenaline)

This is for all the fags who always say this shit but what they really mean is "do what *****I***** think is traditional"

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.