I saved this spider. It was wet and looked dead and any "normal" person would have written it off as such but I KNEW that bugs can appear dead when waterlogged but they're just in shock, I put the spider on a paper towel and left it to dry off, when I returned it had gone from limp and contorted to dry, and in a normal spider posture. I am more empathetic than most normies will eber be. I helped a lowly EPODER!!!!!! ADMIT I WOULD B A GOOD BOYFRIEND TO YOU NOW AND ADMIT I'M A NICE GUY YOU CAN CUDDLE WITH!!!!!!

Hey kiddo why don't you put down that bad cgi anime and pick up the good stuff made by visual artists not graphic designers.

1. Don't fuckin touch my woman
2. This is my new gf since psychic gf turned out to be a fucking bitch. My new gfs name is Claudia, you will respect her.
3. Do not test me when it comes to Claudia
4. She's nothing like Psychic gf was, Claudia has severe apathy and anhedonia, she is too apathetic to be sadistic and is thus nothing like Psychic gf was
5. Me and Claudia have a blood pact because the only thing which gives her any sense of peace is being bonded to another, and I found her first so hands off.
6. Claudia is not opposed to having children, and does believe she is capable of being a good mother, and would even crack a genuine smile for the sake of the mental health of the child.

I did a double take because doesn't this look like a comment from r34

It would be funny if this got a bunch of upvotes to butthurt the antis

Bruh I would be pissed if I was cartoon network being associated with the 16 terabytes

Furry doodles I'm sorry my art sucks maybe with the right teacher and enough spankings I can get better? 🥺

Vent art fantasy and fictional violence and misogyny 

I do not condone violence against women in real life.

Holy shit, I wonder if he knows any other lolis...

Idea for an oc anyone is free to use this oc put him in stories make him a mascot idc, but he's an alpha chad cunnymaxer who got beat up by antis because they saw his girl lover tattoo

Need. Stop holding out on me I know there's a femcel reading this.

Twitter is officially niggered. This was something by a hentai artist and so it would fall under protected speech. Twitter is nigger I hope elon gets an abscess in his asshole.

What Carl Jung called Synchronicity. The shrimp alliance was silently dissolved in the night, and now I face a boss shrimp in battle...sad times.

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