Idea for an oc anyone is free to use this oc put him in stories make him a mascot idc, but he's an alpha chad cunnymaxer who got beat up by antis because they saw his girl lover tattoo

Need. Stop holding out on me I know there's a femcel reading this.

Twitter is officially niggered. This was something by a hentai artist and so it would fall under protected speech. Twitter is nigger I hope elon gets an abscess in his asshole.

What Carl Jung called Synchronicity. The shrimp alliance was silently dissolved in the night, and now I face a boss shrimp in battle...sad times.

If jordan peterson can have a normal one I can have a normal one too

I used to be such a bby
Until people were mean to me
Now I'm hardcore >:c

Guys I don't want to admit it but I save a LOT of bbc porn, I don't look at it much because it makes me angry, but one day I hope to delete the whole folder, like that's my plan, that's why I have the folder, I segregate the bbc porn from the regular porn as I sort it (I sort porn as a hobby) and my plan was to delete it all once it was all separated. So...still gonna do that. I don't like the big shiny bbcs, they shouldn't be that big, or that shiney, and the women shouldn't be touching them.

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