DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted


DJazzo boosted
i hate how western-centric online feminist discourse usually is
DJazzo boosted
when people say men and women are basically equal now i’m thinking about women in places like afghanistan where they are legally recognized as the property of men
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@fleshy @lucky @weaponofchoice I'm glad you cuties are such ignoramuses. Can't even figure out how to get rid of bones pfft.

I want a femboy to consent to wrestling with me, and he has to wrestle as hard as he can without biting or scratching, and I have to overpower him and fuck him in the ass. It would be a great workout for the both of us.

DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

watching cowboy bebop for the first time, uoooh Ed such a critter

DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

Hapu enjoying horse pp #nsfw #loli

DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

R-18 おしりプラクティス

@PRINCE Either way one of us is darker than the other I'm sure of it and that's hot af

@PRINCE or rather 🤎🖤 since I'm told I'm beige not white and I sense that you're darker than me

I been puttin butt plugs in and they're holdin in the braps then when I take them out it's brap time

DJazzo boosted
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