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I want a black or indian girl, doesn't matter, as long as she has dark skin. I want the normies to see our interracial love as clearly as possible so her skin needs to be as dark as possible.

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Big Back Gwen recreation commission.

They asked for a recreation of a pic made by an artist called Lolotron

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Wonderloli and Gwen commission
Alts found on my Fanbox

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This one is one of mine. Mary, the living doll. If she looks similar, it's because she's been made from a bunch of different characters.

@ThrowawayAI another great film about the melancholy existence of children with absent fathers A Perfect World

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I don't mind my descendants being curry, if anything I'd just be happy to have descendants. We'd all eat curry together and watch the footy matches.

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For all the poo in the loo comments against these people they still make some of the most joyful entertainment I've ever seen. If I had a curry wife I'd protect her from all villainy.

I'm tired of having no irl frens, I CURSE all the nonfrens who instead of being nice to me were mean. I CURSE these nonfrens for their meanness and I HATE them.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.