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Jazzy boosted

as i have already relayed on twitter, i have been fired from my job without prior warning or notice and i have bills to pay

commissions are opened indefinitely

if you can and want to help, i can only beg of you to do so either through commission, donation, or subscribing to one of the tiers on my subscribestar that i just reopened.

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted


I fucking hate ranchers. If you're a rancher I hate you, oh, you made all your money by being a rancher? Eat my shit. Stupid ass. Go be more retarded and stop telling people they can't have a radio show because you're a cousin fucker.

Jazzy boosted

i drew this instead of doing my job so im gnna post it
i have other ideas for him, but for now:

Jazzy boosted

Saw I had the black and white version up but I actually went back and added color to this ages ago.

I like when the pretty girl character (she's the mcs crush) licks a butthole, and not just a few sad licks, reluctant licks, no no, even if she has to be injected with nanobots, it's best when she is eager to lick the asshole, happy to lick the asshole, she has been brainwashed into an asshole licking machine and she loves it, asshole licking is her purpose, she gets sad actually when she doesn't have an asshole to lick deep with a wiggly tongue

@bloop @ThrowawayAI Not trying to dox myself but there's clothes makers now who are doing new things, giving old styles new folds and stitchings/materials to give way more mobility in the shoulders. In theory a person could make a fighting suit, a suit someone could do gymnastics in with no problem like binding up, it's just that there's not a big market for it so it's only custom jobs or niche makers here and there.

I had a vivid dream that seems prophetic, in the dream I was at peace, there was a girl with me, she was precocious and cute, she was around 12, with shoulder length curly hair, curl type 3A for those who know, she was my skin tone too, she was so sweet. She felt comfortable with me, she even kept coming in the bathroom while I was naked and kind of rolled her eyes when I seemed embarrassed, and then I just gave up and started talking to her normally while nude. I was very nervous and had no sexy intentions, but I got the feeling she would try something one day and I was very nervous I wouldn't be able to say no. Then I woke up.

That's it! I can't take it any more!!!!!!! *cums*

@ViciouslyKind All characters are toast in the circle of life, the grim reaper is the ultimate slasher, and his story could be the ultimate story, as well as the stories of the victims of life and death, and the stories of those who loved them and were left behind, and so on in an endlessly expanding universe web.

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

I wonder what it's like to be a fedifren who doesn't have crippling paranoia, I bet they play fun videogames and even have nice meetups sometimes but not me T-T

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