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A zombie virus that doesn't turn people into the undead but instead turns them into nusists who gather in front of the nearest school on a school day and have a huge orgy for all the kids to see, no matter how many cops they send to stop the orgies the cops get infected and join in


Caving in a moms for liberty cunts mouth with your steel toe boot while she layes hogtied, then doing it to the next, and the next, a whole line of them from one end of the room to the other. Caving in their disgusting pumpkin pulp mouths and leaving them to die. Worthless fucking pigs, dishonorable genetic interiors, nonhuman antilife abominations with grotesquely loose skin, like some sort of mutated pug. These filths squeal as they are descended into acid. Their putrid essense deconstructed into mere elemental particles, the evil wretched from their forms and allowed to dissipate like static electricity, leaving behind only the pure material from which this sacred world is made, a world for good ones, not a world for mindless gluttonous hateful filth.

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She loves her life in america 🤠

Character polls will come back in 2 weeks

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[Mia Drawing] Pro Gamer move
Gamer bf's can be annoying :blobangery: ~ Mia

Pretty sure everyone know the foony meme by now but yes that inspired by :


A world where lbs are not given sexual priority over grown men is a world in which satan has won.

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Wilykit (Thundercats 2011)
Express Commission for Seerez

Wilykit going commando.
You like my work? It's worth a dollar at least. Pledge to support bigger and better things. Please and Thank You.

Fanbox @

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One kiss from a lil cutie, that's all it takes to make a man happy :blobheart:

The true wealth isn't material but it's how many babies one lil girl can give you before she's 10 :blobmeltsoblove:

Idea for an oc anyone is free to use this oc put him in stories make him a mascot idc, but he's an alpha chad cunnymaxer who got beat up by antis because they saw his girl lover tattoo


"I'm sorry you're gay!" I sob as I kiss you passionately. "I'm sorry you're gay too!!" You reply through tears as you kiss me back. It begins to rain. "I can't help it! I can't help loving you! I'm so sorry!!" I say to you, before I continue "Jesus doesn't want this, we're sinners! We're going to burn!" I was choking on my tears and could barely breathe. You hold me close, and cry for a moment before saying, with firm assurance, "Fuck Jesus, if he hates us he's not worth shit!!". "No!" I cry as I fall to my knees, "We'll be punished, I can't, I can't!!!" and I all but die. You look at me collapsed and unconscious in your arms, and all you feel is cold rage toward whatever made me feel this much pain.

These bmi 18 twinks and their big lips and messy hair and big glasses, and their emo attitude, just say you want to be gay harry potter, admit it.


Drugging and tying up the big dicked tall twunk narcissist and using him like a toy, enjoying his butt, cock, balls, and tits any time you want while he's your captive >:3

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Insecure girls stop looking at who I follow and then feeling self conscious that you're not a fitness model challenge impossible (seriously stop being creepy femcels)

I'm watching rick and morty season 1 because it makes me feel like I'm back again when it first came out and I still thought I had friends irl

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Jazzy boosted


I'm in love with the girl
Won't take
The bbc's
She's so cute
With her neon hair
Never on her knees
For the bbcs
Sorry you guys
In your eyes
I see shame
Since I failed you all
By falling for
By falling for
By falling for
The anti bbc dame
(interlude synth solo)

Cock got rock hard tonight like the old days of my youth, I still got it (I'd say I'm fully recovered from the penis pump incident)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.