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I'm trying harder to understand the middle east conflict and I kind of worry the whole situation is the fault of meddling rulers who have little faith in the goodness of humanity and little respect for the lives of humans. They probably don't respect their own lives or selves very much, they're probably filled with despair. I'm starting to think most people are mostly good and are not wired to murder eachother. I watch old media from the years before sometimes, like Mr. Rogers, and it makes me realize how bad public messaging has become, not many people talk nice anymore, not to get all Joker about it, but it's true. There's a lot of hate out there, and hate is painful no matter what side you're on.

I think I lost my bible I'll have to get a new one :( at least it wasn't an expensive one but I had a lot of pages bookmarked.

Jazzy boosted
"Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today. "

Malcolm X

To the christians who raised me

It makes me so mad when religutards try to kick me out of "their" (THEY OWN IT????) religion for being "disgusting" or "wrong". And then they tell me they'll KILL me for being one of them! So I try to leave, but the scars of religiosity are a part of me and I need fellows who share and understand these scars to exist like all humans need community to exist. For a long time, years, I came to hate religion, it made me unhinged, but it wasn't religion that I hated, it was the scumbags telling me that MY interpretation of religion was unacceptable, telling me that MY sin was UNACCEPTABLE while THEIR sins are INCONSEQUENTIAL, NONE OF THEM FEEL SHAME WHEN THEY EAT NON KOSHER FOOD, THEY ARE LIARS AND ACTIVE TERRORISTS. FUCK THEM. I'm trying to accept the religious part of me, and I can only do that when I accept that god does not discriminate when it comes to sin, if all sin is equal than a liar and a murderer can both be forgiven equally when they repent, just like you when you repent for eating shellfish.

Forgive yourself or you'll have a mental breakdown

Jazzy boosted

"It’s Time to Listen to Sex Workers

Policies that criminalize sex work may be well-intentioned, but their costs fall hardest on sex workers themselves. To truly support sex workers, we must fully decriminalize their profession."


Jazzy boosted
Right. So who am I?

Acrylic Fairy. Some may remember, many may have forgotten.

Was on FU before it went down, then I kinda went away from the community for a minute due to a lot going on, then I come back and...

Well where do I go?

Fortunately, I'm back and Jesus fuck have I missed you lot!

Really hope I find all my family and friends again out here, because man fuck dealing with Normy World.

Pedi, I'm hoooooooooome! :gl: : :

I think it's weird that I can make map posts from certain instances and I almost always get some random person from an instance I don't recognize bitching, could be a stalker with sockpuppets. I don't notice it as much on other peoples posts, which makes me wonder if this is even a real anti or a map who's just jealous of my style.

"Dad this is probably not the best time to tell you about this but something else happened today...with a kid...and my mask"
I love The Incredibles

I just want to protect a softboi and be his favorite person

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Jazzy boosted
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Jazzy boosted

I need map support I'm not feeling good rn :( just feeling scared and bad which I know is what the antis want so that makes me feel even worse because it's like I'm letting them win and I'm in a shame spiral and I'm almost crying because I worry online maps aren't real maps or aren't trustworthy so we'll never be able to actually support eachother as humans but just as letters on a screen because it's not safe enough to just exist with a face and body as a map (idk how those few public maps have not been harmed people are so crazy I half expect them to hunt them down as a huge hivemind normie network like the fucking borg)

Jazzy boosted

The government HAS to accept maps if they want a functioning state, they can't just gulag 5% of the population (EXTREMELY low estimate) at random. "But Jazzy, it's not at random, those are PEDOPHILES and they're DISGUSTING!!" uhh well MAPness is an inborn trait and can emerge ANYWHERE in a population, among the rich, the poor, and it doesn't care about race, so it really is impossible to eliminate without eradicating all human DNA. Just be good people. Be NICE people. Don't be a big disgusting WEIRDO who is filled with so much hate that they hurt strangers just to make themselves feel better.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.