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Hello everybody on pedi remember that you are good on the inside and that no matter how you feel or what you've done you're still good and I'm glad that you're alive

I need a MUSCULAR woman, a woman strong enough and BIG enough to cradle me in her arms

Jazzy boosted

The fedifren runs their skilled fingers down your side, it feels so good. You've never felt so safe, so at peace, your feeifren hugs you, they smell like heaven, your fedifren is soaking you in, and is in ecstatic bliss. You never thought it was possible, you thought you were worthless, you were ready to give up, but your fedifren has shown you that the world has more than abusers in it. -This is the ending we all want, it can happen!!!

Jazzy boosted

I love you fedifren, I hope you think about me when you orgasm

Bevis and Butthead are so pure, all they want to do is score, you have to admire that

And then IF I made my return to the pediberse I would do it to this song

IF I was going away/retiring my username and starting fresh, this would be the song I would leave on

I want to become sober fedi frens I have to stop being so incapacitated all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jazzy boosted

This song is how I feel about my fedifrens, I worry I'm going to end up being poly but I worry fedifrens will be fighting over me

I doing fedifren yoga (yoga to get less fat and more healthy so fedifrens will think I'm sexy again), and fedi lung cleanse (it's where you stop smoking so you don't cough phlegm all over fedi frens in the community sleeping pile).

Muscle mommy who's too strong for your bullys to rape and who lusts for you and gives you sexy cuddles whenever you need

Jazzy boosted

Here, have something extra for this weekend
hope you like some invincible milf material
(i know you will)
commissioned by an annonymus fella
#Invincible #nsfw

Big giant musclegirl in the prime of her life who becomes interested in a much older total loser™ and has a screw loose because why else would she be sucking this short fat losers nuts until his eyes bug out every night

I wish a fedifren would jerk me off while they tell me about their day (we're catching up before bedtime)

It sucks when fedifrens you thought liked you lose their minds and get paranoid and crazy

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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