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I'm at this point where I refuse to let anything interfere with my peace. If I turned on the news right now and the country was being invaded, I would immediately turn off the news and go outside and read a book or something. Maybe garden.

Imagine having two asian wives who you love equally T-T one would be really short and one would be really tall, and both would be really hot

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

I've done the most a non-exclusive pedophile aka map can do, i yam what I yam, and ya know what, a lot of these fedifrens ignore me!!! I'm just a human! It's taking a toll on my mental health!!!!!!!!

I want a fat woman for sex. *Pushes crowd of people over*. YOU'RE INBETWEEN ME AND FAT WOMAN GET OUT OF THE WAY!!

I'm so scared fedi frens have a secret chat where they talk about me behind my back and they've concluded their appraisal of me and find me lacking that's why I don't feel as popular anymore T-T /schizo

Hnnnnnnnggggggg crying and sad because I'm in love with a fedi fren who I think is so smart and their pfp is so beautiful and I want to do pleasurable sexual things with them even if they're only of average or below average attractiveness (as long as they have redeeming qualities and have a healthy self image)

One good thing about the hearing damage accumulated as an old fuck is that you can't hear the annoying buzzing of flies wings anymore. The fuckers are practically silent now. I can still hear bumblebees and shit so, not too worried. If a mosquito gets riiiight in my ear I can hear it but otherwise it's the same as the fly, silent.

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Hello, stopping by again as a #PSA to say that you should not be paying shady sites for my work that I put out for free! Ive seen a comment about sending paypal payment and not getting access, I dont know where that money is going nor do I endorse these sites taking advantage of creators barely getting by. What I release here is free and if I ever do any services, you will hear about it here! Do not give these sites any kind of money :blobstop:

Jazzy boosted

I need to send a simple questionnaire out to the entire world and only hang out with the people who picked yes. It would be about if you would have sex with me or not.

Jazzy boosted

Me when I don't mean to annoy the fedifrens and want their love

Jazzy boosted

I'm so bored fedifrens tell me about your day or your thoughts or feelings to take my mine off my own worries I won't judge this is a non judgement zone, I just need to not be thinking my own thoughts right now, so replace them with yours pls.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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