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Jazzy boosted


Rap that I came up with and you can't defeat me while on rapping it:
The alphas be jelly
I got a tall waifuuuuuuu
But I'm still a beta male
And she doesn't cheat on me
That's what's got them so confused
Like why does she not cheat on me
Cope and seethe alphas

I'm mad none of the fedi frens want any of THIS *rubs greasy man belly*

Jazzy boosted

Age should not matter in anything no matter what. Health and intelligence matter more.

Jazzy boosted

Intrusive thought I have when I see you if you're hot with big titty implants: What a cool bitch built for fucking *said with loving admiration*

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Regular reminder that the hate has never been about supporting or protecting victims

Jazzy boosted


Psychic gf starts beating me up and she won't stop

Jazzy boosted

Not to be offensove to the ladies but could yall please try and have more than one personality that you all share? Signed- guys

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

I'm not keen on continuing to attempt to network my research of the human condition, it seems like a waste of time and much quicker realizations could be had without the constant waiting that goes hand in hand with decentralized public forum communication. Keep on keeping on and never give up on your own research. To those of you who still care, thankyou.

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

It's not fun when this fedi relationship goes one way. I can't keep being so lonely on the fediverse!!!!

Jazzy boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.