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Song OC lyrics:

Never getting a notification
Except for once in a while!
Oh, makes me smile!
But then the time,
Passes too long,
So I need a song,
To keep me strong...
With no-...few fedi frennnnns
*music fades out while camera pans from my sad face looking up out the window to the stars of the night sky*

Jazzy boosted

Getting back to work now that the hand is feeling better, but still takin' it slow, so have a Star and Marco piece from SS that I still really like ♥

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Winry Rockbell, Selim Bradley and Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist
Commission for anonymous
Call me through DM and ask for a commission like this for just $35

Payment through Paypal

#fullmetalalchemist #fullmetal #winry #lust #shota #milf #shotacon #slave #bigboobs #maid

Jazzy boosted

Who do I tell that I am a woman defender so I can get woman defender pussy points?

Jazzy boosted

Some images focused on the Powerpuff Girls, I hope you like them!
you can see more of my content on fanbox!
please take a look at my comic

#loli #lolicon

Jazzy boosted

finally more Dora content! I wonder who still loves this cute girl? X)
you can see more of my content on fanbox!
please take a look at my comic

#loli #lolicon

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Commission for anon - Stephanie (Lazytown)

Can't believe she's allowed to pull a move like that in the middle of a match.

Jazzy boosted

If a a pajert is properly crossdressed and waxed they would make a good wife (pajert femboys are hot)

"I hate those dirty dessert fanatics!!"
"Fuck you I hate THOSE dirty dessert fanatics!"

I hate ALL the dirtyy desert fanatics you bastards!!!!!!!!

Big fat woman with muscly arms I need to fuck you I'm GONNA fuck you

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

What a sore loser ! That's what you get for playing and winning against that lil brat :blobsadreach:

Veruca Salt from "Charlie and the chocolate factory"

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.