Jazzy boosted

You manage to escape the guard but not without injury, his cleaver leaving a nasty cut on your waist.

The guard frustrated to miss his chance turns back on the caged girl. Breaking the bar with ease, taking all his pent up energy onto her.

In rough shape you got no choice but to come back later.

Song OC lyrics:

Never getting a notification
Except for once in a while!
Oh, makes me smile!
But then the time,
Passes too long,
So I need a song,
To keep me strong...
With no-...few fedi frennnnns
*music fades out while camera pans from my sad face looking up out the window to the stars of the night sky*

Jazzy boosted

Getting back to work now that the hand is feeling better, but still takin' it slow, so have a Star and Marco piece from SS that I still really like ♥

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Winry Rockbell, Selim Bradley and Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist
Commission for anonymous
Call me through DM and ask for a commission like this for just $35

Payment through Paypal

#fullmetalalchemist #fullmetal #winry #lust #shota #milf #shotacon #slave #bigboobs #maid

Jazzy boosted

Who do I tell that I am a woman defender so I can get woman defender pussy points?

Jazzy boosted

Some images focused on the Powerpuff Girls, I hope you like them!
you can see more of my content on fanbox!
please take a look at my comic

#loli #lolicon

Jazzy boosted

finally more Dora content! I wonder who still loves this cute girl? X)
you can see more of my content on fanbox!
please take a look at my comic

#loli #lolicon

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Commission for anon - Stephanie (Lazytown)

Can't believe she's allowed to pull a move like that in the middle of a match.

Jazzy boosted

If a a pajert is properly crossdressed and waxed they would make a good wife (pajert femboys are hot)

"I hate those dirty dessert fanatics!!"
"Fuck you I hate THOSE dirty dessert fanatics!"

I hate ALL the dirtyy desert fanatics you bastards!!!!!!!!

Big fat woman with muscly arms I need to fuck you I'm GONNA fuck you

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

What a sore loser ! That's what you get for playing and winning against that lil brat :blobsadreach:

Veruca Salt from "Charlie and the chocolate factory"

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.