As we remember the 1986 Chernobyl tragedy, it's worth also reminding that ~400 other #nuclear reactors worldwide continue operate uninterrupted for the last half century providing stable and clean electricity.

Three remaining Chernobyl reactors continued to operate safely to 2000.Even after Chernobyl closure Ukraine's energy sector continues to produce electricity at relatively low CO2 intensity thanks to #nuclear plants - today it's 240 gCO2eq/kWh while Germany is at... 230.


@kravietz Nice map you got there. It would be a shame if the legend was missing making it just a nice picture with no meaning.

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Sorry forgot the link you can hover over countries and see values but they don't appear on the screenshot unfortunately.

So right now Ukraine runs mostly on nuclear while Germany runs on a mix of nuclear, biomass, coal and solar - with the latter fading away as the day ends in Europe.

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