"doesn't look right at all"

Just fucking say it Alex! He looks like a fucking zombie!

@matrix just pirate the original one
some people take poorly optimized games and just think that it takes a supercomputer to run it even though it's just shoddy coding.
@matrix they fucking pulled a GTA mobile port on crysis
@LukeAlmighty @matrix rockstar didn't make the remastered GTA 3 trilogy mobile ports.
a company completely butchered the game, making the game unplayable, and the fact that in the 10+ years of it being out, they never bothered to fix any of the bugs. that and they ported it to the consoles without making any changes to the code, in fact the console remasters are the wort offenders. https://youtu.be/jhVdb4K1M-M

@Jessica @matrix
What the fuck??? How many downgrades can you even possibly push into a single remaster???

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