What's the best way to achieve ancapistan?


I think break away societies because you can't reach ancapistan through violence, so you got to make a split with the rest of society, show that it works, and then the rest of the world follows the example.

@nerdman Luckily, break-away societies might become a reality. Which is good news, not just for libertarians and anarchists, but for anyone with a niche political ideology.


4 words, and you are seriously going to hate the anwser. 

@xianc78 @nerdman
Capitol hill autonomous zone

4 words, and you are seriously going to hate the anwser. 

@LukeAlmighty @nerdman CHAZ didn't hate capitalism because there still were restaurants open and I don't think they were co-ops.


@xianc78 @nerdman
How does ancapistan relate to hating capitalism?

No, I meant only that if you want a neparate society, there is 1 requirement. A proof of will to enforce your own law above anyone's else.

And the "people" in chaz had shown that they were willing to kill to keep their trash. Without that, Ancapistan will forever remain a dream.

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