@LukeAlmighty "I don't waste mayo" yeah of course you don't, westoid.

@alyx >I'm more confused about the black gloves...
Black is considered to look slimming. I'm sure she wears it a lot.
@alyx @LukeAlmighty
Possibly to avoid getting food-stuff on her hands. I've seen others claiming "sensitive skin" when wearing gloves, to prevent having to wash their hands excessively
@LukeAlmighty I fucking warned everyone I could they wouldn't believe me that these things are EVIL
@LukeAlmighty >mindestens haltbar bis
X vtubers are evil
O g*rmans are evil
"if you're young and you don't hate jews, you have no heart
if you're old and you don't hate g*rmans, you have no brain"
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