I believe the age of conscent at 18 is a horrible thing.

But not for the reason you all keep complaining about pedos.
Humans used to form families from a young age. A 9yo bride, who waited 7 more years under a protection of loving susband realy doesn't sound like a bad scenario to me.

But now, 15 yo women cannot get married even if they truly wanted. So what are they supposed to do?

Well, that noone could see how this would turn out...

Btw, my OF is only $9.99 per month uwu

@LukeAlmighty I love this logic

If prostitution is illegal, people will just break the law and it's more dangerous

Let's make them less able to marry by law. That will fix it

Though today it literally is:
16yo marrying 19yo: abuse
18yo spitroasted by 5 40yos on camera for money: healthy and her right

It's not even a pretence

@applejack What I think is hilarious is that having sex with a prostitute is illegal in some European countries unless you film it then it’s porn and okay … for some reason? @LukeAlmighty


@barasaint @applejack
:pepelol: That one is true :omegalul:

Czech republic is awesome that way...

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@LukeAlmighty It didn’t use to apply to male prostitutes until a certain gay porn studio became very popular and Czech gays were like “ya fix this plz” @applejack

@LukeAlmighty I should clarify: it didn’t matter if you filmed it, you still got arrested because of a technicality. To which the Czech authorities were probably like :shrug_akko: @applejack

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