Just to copy a poll, that went viral on Twatter recently.

Do you realy think people you don't like should be killed?

@LukeAlmighty There are certain things that deserve death, they pretty much all involve unrepentance; and thus the possibility of them happening again. In that case, it's better to send them to God immediately.
That is, of course, an incredibly narrow set, much narrower than the set of people I dislike, and shares most of its elements with the 1%.
@LukeAlmighty Ah, and is something that no one person should ever be allowed to decide.
This especially. There are people you don't like because you don't understand them, and there are people you don't like because you *do* understand them.

The problem is most people are inclined to fool themselves into believing they understand people that they actually don't. Ingroup preference and all that.

If you give half a shit about ethics you should not want to have this power. You'll just end up killing good people, and leave others to suffer the consequences of it.

@dave @Zerglingman
Well, well, well, look at that.
We disagree again.

When it comes to the question of having any power, and not having it, declining it is the selfish choice, since that means not being able to help those who need it when the correct time comes.

@LukeAlmighty @dave @Zerglingman That's assuming you're benevolent and altruistic, which we might know ourselves to be, but many people are not.

@Jens_Rasmussen @Zerglingman @dave
People who are not benevolent do always get that power. Only way to stop them is to have the same power yourself.

2nd amendment argument in short.

I support the 2nd Amendment, but I reject the idea that you should be able to kill people that you don't like.
@LukeAlmighty @dave @Zerglingman The government points a hypothetical gun at you at all times.
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