So, right now:
Jordan Peterson is openly speaking against anonymous accounts.

Tim pool is openly speaking against anonymous accounts.

Politicians are begging for any excuse to de-anonymize the internet...

Oh no....


It's like, in order to slay the dragon, and the dragon is Socialism, we have to, like, become the father, and, like, it's like, anonymous accounts, you know, it's like, they're the son, but they have to become the father, so, you know, and like Hitler was pro-anonymity, and, so, Stalin, you know, Communists and, but we have to return to liberalism, so, you know...


I am not joking, when I say, that I was suicidal, before I got on Fedi.

You NEED to be able to talk to people openly and without fear. And for some people, that does take way too much courage. A courage I didn't have.

So, to see an anonymous community where anything goes did allow me to calm the fuck down.

And to see a "psychology grand master" not realize that is... ridiculous.

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@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 I know this feeling. I'm more open here than irl, I simply spoke what I thought more freely here than irl. The moment I told something contrary to the "truth" I get this NPC stares at me.
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